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  1. armydawg

    Anyone took a break from EMS?

    Glad you were in tune with yourself to recognize you needed a break, also happy to hear you're excited to be back. You post made me think though, if retirement was a real option for the majority of us, how many could take a year break?
  2. armydawg

    Building the Beast

    Thanks, the keg is genius. I have to come up with something obscure like that. We know that through flexibility training the body can become used to quick maybe not so proper movements. I'm leaning toward a crossfit type program, without a lot more emphasis on strength training. Thank yall for...
  3. armydawg

    Building the Beast

    Figuring out how to properly train for the improper lifts is the part I am having the most trouble with.
  4. armydawg

    How would you feel about immediate CPR notification / audible timers on a monitor?

    Great Ideas. Every heard of passive oxygenation? Also, is it policy for compressions to stop during intubation?
  5. armydawg

    First time driving a box truck ambulance?

    I thought the same thing at first. However, I love box trucks way more. We have a couple delta highways where I am , and even though it's a huge target for cross winds there is much less affect on them than the top have vans. As mentioned above, take wide turns (don't have to over exaggerate.)...
  6. armydawg

    Relocating, HELP!!!

    Hey bud, not Colorado related but how the heck to actually MSG members on here? Maybe I just got find it on my phone.
  7. armydawg

    We are the warriors that stand upon the presupposes of death, waging war for the souls not yet...

    We are the warriors that stand upon the presupposes of death, waging war for the souls not yet ready to cross over. We are EMS!
  8. armydawg

    What do you carry? - The mega thread

    3 Throwing stars (star of life shape of course), grapple gun, smoke bombs ( for disappearing when the manager shows up.), brass knuckles, toilet paper,and an extra condom..... Seriously though, I carry the pen i decide to lose that day, the shears I will leave in the rig, and my surefire taclite...
  9. armydawg

    Relocating, HELP!!!

    @Tigger , thank you so much for that info. You're very thorough. I will most likely end up in your inbox from time to time. You have have given me plenty to research and look at, and I cannot thank you enough.
  10. armydawg

    Building the Beast

    I a former military member with tons of fitness plan building experience, no formal classes though. Since I am in EMS now I want to build a comprehensive workout plan with EMS personnel in mind. We know the most common injuries in our field and where we should focus our training most. The input...
  11. armydawg

    What's the dumbest thing you've said to a patient?

    So it wasn't what I said, but what my partner said. We were responding priority 1 to a 76 y/o female,fall, possible head injury. We have to force entry into the house and then start scouting for our patient. As we enter the master bedroom we here a sad little "hhheellppp" from the en suite...
  12. armydawg

    Relocating, HELP!!!

    Thanks, anyone that can help is appreciated.
  13. armydawg

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hi everyone, I'm Cody. I am and EMT-B in the state of MS.(I know , worst choice ever.) I am a Volunteer Fire Fighter and full time EMT. Great to be here.
  14. armydawg

    Relocating, HELP!!!

    My wife and I have decided to relocate from Mississippi, to Colorado Springs, CO. Here is a bit of history before the questions. I am and EMT in the state of Ms. I work for a company that was purchased this past Jan. by AMR. So technically I work for AMR. Also, our first duty station in the...