Search results

  1. captaindepth


    I don't see any difference between an EMT-Bs ability to assess this pt and a paramedics ability to assess this pt. obviously when dealing with cardiac related events, respiratory distress/failure, medication administration, and severe trauma a paramedic has the increased knowledge and scope to...
  2. captaindepth


    When assessing a pt there should be no difference between and EMT-B and a paramedic until in an ALS situation.
  3. captaindepth


    Protocols aside, both BLS and ALS providers are responsible to do a thorough assessment. An EMT-B can and should complete the same assessment of this pt as a paramedic, the only difference is what interventions both can do. An EMTs bread and butter should be getting accurate BPs and completing a...
  4. captaindepth


    I would not immediately attribute the fall/episode to the pts hx of DM. He needs a thorough assessment to rule out other causes of the syncope before just giving him oral glucose. I agree that a more comfortable environment is appropriate for the assessment. Before standing the pt up I would...
  5. captaindepth

    Denver Health P-School

    I have heard nothing but great things about Swedish and have worked with excellent medics in the springs who went there, so I believe all of the information you guys have said to be true. Is there anyone out there that actually went to DH P school and has something to add? After working in such...
  6. captaindepth

    911 vs. Transport Work

    You're right no harm in working for a a IFT company, just thought you could expand your job search area. Keep your skills sharp and reassess all pts after receiving pt care from the facility. Good luck
  7. captaindepth

    Denver Health P-School

    I did not know that PPCC was going to work on teaching RSI to P students. Do you know the pilot program will start? I live in denver so commuting for classes at PPCC would be kinda tough. I'm really leaning towards DH for the internship phases with them.
  8. captaindepth

    Denver Health P-School

    Just wondering if any one has an opinion on Denver Health's paramedic school. How would you compare sweedish vs. DH? I've heard DH will hire top students from their paramedic program, any truth to that? Im a full time EMT for springs AMR and have gotten tons of great 911 experience, time to take...
  9. captaindepth

    911 vs. Transport Work

    Have you considered expanding your search area? If this is your first EMS job and want to compete find a 911 response system. Start at the bottom and work your way up, id stay away from transfers. Just my advise good luck. /
  10. captaindepth

    AMR Interview

    My AMR interview included verbal scenarios the skills test came during the hire on academy/FI process. If you dont know local protocols front to back I'd use NR standards. Good luck.
  11. captaindepth

    Upcoming interview nerves (serious nerves).

    So i recently have switched careers and i have my first EMT-B interview coming up. I have been NREMT-B certified for the last 6 years and have always done my CE and even have few other ems related certs. My big concern is i have never actually worked in the field and have very little hands on...