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  1. mikeylikesit

    Patient Issue's

    More often then not you get the 180's due to the fact that in the time it took for you to ask them questions and someone else to ask the same questions, realization set in of the situation and now they want to tell everything so they don't get worse. I have not seen it in relation to the skill...
  2. mikeylikesit

    Oral Glucose Contraindications

    yes but if they are upright and you can monitor the airway and listen for gargling[?] then you will be fine. If your a BLS crew and ALS is really far out some care with Oral Glucose is better then none. Even if the patient is Hyperglycemic you can still give the glucose if you do not know the...
  3. mikeylikesit

    OPA insertion

    i go 180 unless there is severe facial damage then i use a depressor. on children i always use a blade.
  4. mikeylikesit

    Unresponse choking pt.

    if you unsure before starting CPR just give a few chest compressions, it will only help remove the FBAO. Trauma resulting in CPR with chocking? never heard of anything negative that wasn't already there before the crew started.
  5. mikeylikesit


    a couple i've delivered and i tell you it is weird the first time. You have a ton of wierd stuff going through your mind...i did. so far they were all cephalic and all was up to mom on those. knock on wood.^_^
  6. mikeylikesit

    Your patients asks you "Am I going to die?"

    here's what i tell them, "one day, and one day i will to" usually gets them away from it. you don't want them to lose hope though, mostly because the will to survive is an important tool for them to utilize in a time like that.
  7. mikeylikesit

    Stupid question; Patient feels like they want to sleep

    LOL, maybe they just want to sleep on me in order to ignore me....sigh...oh well.:rolleyes:
  8. mikeylikesit

    Anyone else get nervous before their CPR cert?

    It's easy to get nervous but just remember that thousands of people go through thee same thing. You feel like an idiot, but no one in class can hold it against you since they themselves have to do it as well.
  9. mikeylikesit

    Stupid question; Patient feels like they want to sleep

    I let them sleep when i'm done with my assessment. Most common misconception is that they will slip into a coma if you let them sleep.
  10. mikeylikesit

    C-spine immobilization on a pt. with increased pain upon manual stabilization?

    well unless you have x-ray vision you should stabilize and transport. If however you need the airway then it come to decision time, pain or breathing, which will kill him fastest?
  11. mikeylikesit

    New to the forum

    welcome to the life, where about in Cali?
  12. mikeylikesit

    Valiant babysitter...not

    Münchhausen's indeed. she needs to be caught before one of those babies ends up dead.
  13. mikeylikesit

    Do you ever mess with dispatch to make ur night go by a little faster???

    i don't mess with the dispatchers on purpose to avoid crying wolves and other mishaps. plus when you work a ton of 24 hour shifts back to back you don't want somebody messing with you when you're trying to sleep.
  14. mikeylikesit

    More Responsible: Assigned or Random Rigs?

    we have 5 rigs for 6 pairs of people so we mainly stick to our own rigs without too much switching, it helps to identify your call sign really easily all the time.
  15. mikeylikesit

    Valiant babysitter...not

    ooh, that is a very good assumption, either that or she is the dark cloud and needs to be watched under a nanny cam. i just would't believe a parent who has a baby with apnea would leave their child to a baby sitter who wasn't a doc.
  16. mikeylikesit

    Sorry I haven't been around....

    welcome back, we needed someone around here again with some knowledge of police ops.
  17. mikeylikesit

    New EMT/BDU Cloths

    ebay if you can wait but you should have a uniform supply store in your phone book listed under uniforms, just about all uniform supply shops carry "EMT" pants.
  18. mikeylikesit

    Looking for a little input about what happened.

    you had a great reason to quit and are very smart for doing so. this is not the time to pick up bad habits or they will stick with you your entire career. most new basics wouldn't have because they want a job and by all means that one sounded too easy to get, i would wait to return to the...
  19. mikeylikesit

    Hip Immobilization

    be careful with the straps on the LSB. i use a strip or a sheet with as much padding as possible for the comfort of the patient. i hate the prognosis of hip fractures though.
  20. mikeylikesit

    new here to emt scene

    like any job with little training it has it's fair share of cons that only made up for by the personal and spiritual rewards, if you like long hours for very very little pay then EMS is for you. you can make a great career for it if your heart and mind are in the right place.