^_^I think i am going to do like Vent and magic suggested and draw up some surgical masks from now on...i guess it is better than being unprotected...wonder why i never thought to do that in the first place.
tell you what, i got a whole box of these things from advance that i have been handing out around the hospital and to my agency. Send me a PM and i'll send you a set for free.
If you have an Advance Auto parts near you, you can go out and get these bab boys in orange for 2 bucks. i have a pair from them that i use. I will never lose them nor will they ever get stolen. Reason being, when i say orange...i mean Neon Orange. i have had them fall out in the field and went...
Student2008. I have encountered numerous new EMT's that had troulbes with BP's. I actually found out that 90% of them that stated that they can't hear anything, was due to the fact that they had the earpieces facing rearward instead of forward and towards the ear canal. The other ten percent...
I had to vaccinated for my program as well. I wear the TB masks on the obvious calls or where the danger is emminent. I wear a surgical mask on a ton of sick patients just not around young shildren since it freightens them not to be able to see your mouth.
it can on any baby after the first one cause complications for both the mother and the baby. On a side note the baby gets its antibodies in the form of IgG while in the womb and then it receive supplemental antibodies while it builds up it's immune system after birth from the mothers brest milk...
NjNewbie did a fairly well job of covering it. as far as ambulance training...no one can drive an ambulance without being an EMT or Driver first...so a ton of people coming on have never driven one either. you should get a EVOC coarse when you start which will make you feel really comfortable...
nothing more that you could have done. you made all of your attempts and exhausted all of your options. just get the witness statement from a sworn officer and off you go. i couldn't tell you what you could have done had PD not been present though.