Deep breath, no one's a whacker here except us whackers.
We can start Whacker's Anonymous.
"Hi , my name's Mycrofft and I am a whacker".
(Hi, WHACKER!").
We had a local family we called "Ma Barker and her boys", a middle aged woman and her two grown sons, they had passed EMT-A, bought or stole all kindsa supplies including a Portapower, spineboard, soft cervical collars and oxygen, put yellow vollie lights on their station wagon and painted it Utility Yellow. Had their volunteer FD radio (not clear whose dept they belonged to, no one would claim them) and at least one Bearcat scanner; they would try to beat FD and ambulance to accident scenes. They did not try to transport to our knowledge. FINALLY the sheriff's arrested them for interference after about a year of this.