Search results

  1. Rick Tresnak

    Decreased paramedic Student Class numbers

    I live in Iowa, and I have seen a significant drop in people moving up the ladder from EMT to Paramedic. We had one school that put on a class for 2 students so they wouldn't lose their credentials. I was wondering is this a nation wide problem?
  2. Rick Tresnak

    nonconvulsive status epilepticus

    It is really hard to say. When I was doing seizure inductions in an EEG clinic they occur in small areas sometimes. Each contain different traits.
  3. Rick Tresnak

    humeral head IO

    The lumen of the bone in the tibia is much smaller than the marrow space of the humeral head, this allows for increased flow that you see between the two sites.
  4. Rick Tresnak

    EMT pay

    Yes SAFER grants are not a sure thing. -- When I worked at a hospital as a flight medic I made $18.00/hr the transport techs that wheel patients to x-ray in wheelchairs with the requirement of a GED and a CPR card were making $22.00/ hr. When I asked my lead flight nurse making $34/hr why...
  5. Rick Tresnak

    Repurposed Ambulance

    They make great construction trucks. I have heard of people making them into campers but that is not for me.
  6. Rick Tresnak

    EMT pay

    SAFER grants are one way to go. (They can be reapplied for, but who knows if you get them or if the government will have the money to keep it going) I think that we really need to make it a necessary service, so we can get funding. EMS has never made great money. Especially when you compare...
  7. Rick Tresnak

    Gun Porn

    We had a guy enter our home once. My daughter and wife have been told aim at the wall and squeeze off a round. Let the dogs out of the kennels and then shoot at what ever moves toward you. I figure if they are dumb enough to be around and approach you after pulling the round off with a 12 g...
  8. Rick Tresnak

    Gun Porn

    I hope you never have to either. I have not gotten a chance to shoot this at the range yet. But I really got a sweet deal on it. Bryon makes his own weapons as well. (The Paramedic I mentioned before.) He and I flew together so I know I was getting a good deal. Have fun with the shotgun!
  9. Rick Tresnak

    Is Martial Arts Training Risky for EMS Personnel?

    Probably a lot of injury risks, but in todays' society possible a way to keep from getting injured as well.
  10. Rick Tresnak

    Anyone been to small claims court? ***Not asking for legal advice***

    Been there twice. I figure it is worth a try. But if they didn't have the money to pay you they won't have the money to settle either.
  11. Rick Tresnak

    Gun Porn

    Yeah, I don't know what happened there. LOL It froze up and then wouldn't upload the photo... seems to be working correctly now..
  12. Rick Tresnak

    Detroit fire department has alert system made of pop cans

    Kinda like soup cans and string. Feel for the guys
  13. Rick Tresnak

    Funny one liners you've said to overheard to a patient

    After putting a 450 lb patient into the back of the bus, my partner looks at the patient and says "I have two words for you...Jenny Craig!" I about died right there.
  14. Rick Tresnak

    Looking to Add Critical Care Transport

    A good vent, a great monitor, a few IV pumps, meds for RSI and longer term sedation, some educated people and a great Con ed program to keep them up on what they learned in the CCP course.
  15. Rick Tresnak

    o two disposable cpap

    Yes they are great to work with. They are from Canada. So if you get into a vent unit they use minute volume vs. tidal volumes. Also their SMART BVMS are awesome if you have people that love to bag too much!
  16. Rick Tresnak

    5.11 Tactical Responder BLS 2000 Bag

    Man Stat Packs all the way. They are customizable, and have a LIFETIME warranty! Great Service and a great Bag! I use the Perfusion...
  17. Rick Tresnak

    Best Gloves

    Black Diamond XL
  18. Rick Tresnak

    cot lifts for ambulance

    We picked up a $24,669.00 powerload.
  19. Rick Tresnak

    Dream Ambulance

    King Cab!!! So you can lay down in the front seat.
  20. Rick Tresnak

    Guilty Pleasures on Duty.

    A lot of internet surfing