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  1. chaz90

    Whats your most "rewarding" experience in EMS?

    Can we just let the new sparky people be sparky for a few more minutes? Try to refrain yourselves from sharpening your claws here and going full on "eat your young" mode. I'm sensing a feeding frenzy in the making.
  2. chaz90

    Things told to me yesterday.

    Didn't you get ROSC on that patient too? How dare you give a pulseless patient a perfusing rhythm rather than just a taxi ride to the actual medical professionals?
  3. chaz90

    the 100% directionless thread

    I somehow missed the earlier conversation about Cardizem. I honestly don't know how I functioned without it. Most places I saw in Colorado didn't carry it (with a few exceptions), and now I use it all the freaking time. Are places without it just not treating a-fib RVR, or are they using...
  4. chaz90

    Emt float shift?

    Yeah, I don't mind the occasional your doing float. Keeps me on my toes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. chaz90

    the 100% directionless thread

    We just finished 4 days of rescue task force training with several municipal police departments and fire departments. I'm really encouraged that we're finally getting the wheels moving on this locally. There's still a lot of ground to be covered before we get complete buy-in from state police...
  6. chaz90

    "Best" things heard in dispatch

    Yep. That'll happen when your blood sugar is higher than that of maple syrup for a few decades. I ain't never heard of a podiatrist!
  7. chaz90

    the 100% directionless thread

    Yup. Seems to be a cross section of the industry in general, with perhaps some self selection based on the fact that everyone here at least cared enough to type in a Google search and register for the site at one point. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. chaz90

    the 100% directionless thread

    Working a PR event this morning for a community safety day. I find my free pens, CPR lessons, and Jr. Paramedic stickers are being a little upstaged by the state police helicopter and EOD truck. Hey kids, that helicopter isn't that cool. Let me show you how a 12 lead EKG works for some real...
  9. chaz90

    Things told to me yesterday.

    At least that means retirement is soon. "Thanks for your service buddy. Let me show you where the pasture is." Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. chaz90

    So I've Become The Whipping Boy

    I'm having a bit of trouble grasping what exactly you're asking or what happened here. Simple answer, from what I think I understood: If your boss asks you a question about availability of crews, honesty is probably called for. If someone scheduled a "three man crew" to staff one truck instead...
  11. chaz90

    Penetrating traumatic arrest, work or not?

    I'd rather those "violent crowd" scenarios be handled as the situation merits on an individual basis, but I understand the thinking. I'm grateful I don't work in that kind of area. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. chaz90

    Things told to me yesterday.

    Man. All we can do is fight the same battle time after time. It's tough to make progress against these people. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. chaz90

    Penetrating traumatic arrest, work or not?

    It never, ever happens remotely like this. I've done only one pediatric DOA, but everyone else I know has done the human thing and broken the news (that the parents likely already know) as gently but directly as they can. I spent over an hour on my scene talking to the family as well. We did...
  14. chaz90

    Penetrating traumatic arrest, work or not?

    I'd be stuck working it, and an attempt at pronouncement would likely be denied since A. There's no GSW to the head and B. The patient still exhibits some cardiac activity. If I start working it and he becomes asystolic, the rhythm is trending towards agonal, and/or the EtCO2 output is...
  15. chaz90

    The perfect job.

    Yep. Not sure that's changing any time soon.
  16. chaz90

    The perfect job.

    I think we're moving closer to the single medic model all the time. 110 is now a single medic unit staffed every day shift, 109 is going to be staffed single medic all summer on day shifts, plus the normal single medic coverage we run on a day to day basis. Nice Ambien post!
  17. chaz90

    turned down job offer month later I now want it

    This really isn't something we can answer for you. Sounds like you already did what you could by getting back into contact with the original person who offered the job. This is going to depend on several factors. How badly did the position want you specifically, how many positions did they have...
  18. chaz90

    the 100% directionless thread

    Maybe they're START triage aficionados. If you find yourself a fender bender bus accident with 10 people panicking and hyperventilating >30, you suddenly have a large group of "red tag" patients via those rules. Gotta love it!
  19. chaz90

    Dopamine and Sepsis

    The beta effects are frowned upon for treatment of patients who are hypotensive and tachycardic. Basically, these elderly, volume depleted patients need primarily fluid, and secondarily alpha antagonism. Opinions will vary on whether dopamine should ever "be considered" in a case like you...
  20. chaz90

    Forum has really slowed down eh?

    I'm not certain. I've been taking a bit of a break myself and just busy with the rest of life. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk