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  1. premedtim

    AMR questions

    It's the same way for AMR in Stockton, Cali do BLS transport for 6 months and then after that you can switch to 911 calls.
  2. premedtim

    The loss of Mercy Air 2

    Yeah it was fog and power lines. My friend (ya the one in medic school in Sac) used to work in the same area as those guys and knew them personally so the place they worked at let him know when it happened. :/ Didn't talk to him much last night because I didn't really know what to say. Not much...
  3. premedtim

    can we all say howdy to a new member here...

    Welcome!! :)
  4. premedtim

    Vacation Ideas...

    I was there not too long myself...that place has more interesting stuff in one building than I've ever seen. :P San Francisco definitely has my vote too for vacation spots.
  5. premedtim

    EMT-Basic Student

    Welcome! I'm about to join the ranks of the EMT students myself, registered for the class next semester and it starts in about a month. It should be interesting already having learned a lot of the information by reading an EMT book in advance but things update so often in the medical field it...
  6. premedtim

    Questions for professionals.

    I would check with either your local fire department or sheriff's department. My friend in Sacramento is doing a mountain S&R's a separate class and volunteer, not paid, but it's S&R. *shrugs*
  7. premedtim

    EMTLife Community Check In

    Please be especially careful of the loans! I applied (and was accepted) for a student loan 3 months ago and I have still not seen a dime of that money.
  8. premedtim

    Glowing veins!

    See it's stuff like this that makes medicine so interesting to me. That's hella cool.
  9. premedtim

    EMS use of body armor studied

    Does SWAT even use 50 caliber? I was under the impression they use the police version of the M24 SWS, I believe it's a Remington 700 LTR and it's in either .223 or .308 but not 50 caliber by any means.
  10. premedtim


    What are the stretchers currently made out of? I'm not sure how feasible it is, but I would imagine a stretcher that used only titanium for the metal parts of it would weigh under a hundred pounds and handle a lot of weight because of how strong it is. And by feasible I mean cost-effective, heh...
  11. premedtim

    diet soft drink addiction

    I'm already turning into one of those addicts Vin...but like today, I /did/ need some caffeine and it worked fine, even though my body is used to caffeine. I blame it on my friend in paramedic school. He had me try Starbucks a few weeks ago and I've been hooked ever since. It's all his fault. :)
  12. premedtim

    diet soft drink addiction

    You left out extremely addicting, hehe.
  13. premedtim

    Help Please!!!

    They do in California according to my friend in paramedic school. He showed me a recruiting brochure for a fire department paramedic...starting was around $70,000 and the cap was something like $80,000 a year, full benefits and a comfy pension plan after X amount of years. Unfortunately...
  14. premedtim

    diet soft drink addiction

    Part of the problem with soda addictions is some of us, not all I'm sure but some, have nothing else that's as easily available and cheap as soda unless you want to count water...and the taste of water is so bland that it just doesn't do anything for me. :rolleyes: they need to start making...
  15. premedtim

    For those who work for AMR...

    Yeah I started working out last week and I haven't even started the EMT course yet. I figure that I might as well get as much of a head start as possible since I've had back injuries before and they're anything but pleasant. :P
  16. premedtim

    Is EMS really right for you?

    Topless, I'm a guy. How the hell would that work? :rolleyes:
  17. premedtim

    EMTLife Community Check In

    The usual for a college student, going to school and looking forward to finishing up the semester. Looking forward even more to starting the EMT class next semester. In the meantime, just reading the Brady Prehospital Emergency Care book my friend let me borrow. I wish I had time or money for...
  18. premedtim

    Im Now a Firefighter!!

    Hell if it was that easy I think every guy would jump at the chance to go to any sort of auction just in case. ;P
  19. premedtim

    So, I hit a dog yesterday.

    Yeah I actually remember driving up the mountain in Ojai, California one time and a possum ran out in the middle of the road...I didn't swerve or anything because on a mountain road that's generally not a very good idea, anyway, I probably ran over it's head because of the sickening crunching...
  20. premedtim

    Why you are in the EMS Field?

    Well, it's funny you say that cmktech. You see, I would have answered your questions truthfully. Judging by your other posts, however, it's obvious that your main interest in EMS is how much earning potential you have so why should I answer your questions in the first place when your motivation...