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    Stupid question about medic school

    There is a program here that requires having taken the NREMT in the past year.
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    questions from a new EMT in training

    I have performed 16 and 18 Fr foleys countless times, but puckered hard when I assisted a teammate with a 24 Fr. Damn son, my pinkee would be better. Are foleys actually in NREMT or state scopes for Paramedics? I knew some could because of their medical director, but I did not know it was ever...
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    Trauma Codes; To Work or Not.

    Not workin'. Criteria for Death Discontinuation of Resuscitation (assuming no medical cause) This one falls under obviously mortal, unfortunately. I'm curious about lead placement on a massive chest trauma patient :P
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    how do you treat a person in a pool of blood?

    I remember seeing this little gem from a while back. Estimating Blood Loss
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    Compact drug insert for personal bag

    I got the same bag for SAR a few months ago, its not bad. Very modular, and the included kits (surprise to me) are awesome. Because I do not do IVs I turned that essentially into a blowout kit. Be sure to properly adjust the height of the sternal strap as needed, and adjust the curvature of the...
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    Starting training-Basics

    I am curious, what is the "initial medical training" that is not EMT-B? I wear a TimeX Ironman all day and love it. It is digital, but has a big display of seconds. Some folks prefer analog, personally I do not. A cheap to middle of the road stethoscope couldn't hurt. Littmann Lightweight is...
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    first call of the day is...

    I'll tell you what though, as morbid as it sounds, watching a failing heart on the monitor has been one of the most intriguing experiences in the ED, and got me interested in electrophysiology. Hoping to do some more studying this summer and pick myself up on EKGs a bit after finals. We were...
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    Just passed NREMT, confused about next steps...

    So in CA are you licensed by county, or by the state? Or both...?
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    Just passed NREMT, confused about next steps...

    For #2 I can say you will get a sew on patch, some CE information, a letter, your certification, and your card in an envelope in the mail. I can't help you on the rest, sorry.
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    Can EMT-B intubate or start IVs?

    So just to clarify, are you saying that EMT-B, the lowest level, can execute ACLS protocols? If yes, my follow up is what on earth is the difference between the 3 levels of EMT in Iran?
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    Can EMT-B intubate or start IVs?

    I think there is a little lapse in communication here. Our EMT-Basic program is 120 hours, yes, but there is no way that the EMT-Basic equivalent in Iran is still "Basic" after 2, let alone 4 years, and performing ACLS. @kamran what are the different levels of EMT there, if any?
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    Scene control

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    Creative suctioning

    Just a thought, but what about taking the yaunker off and cutting the hose just after the adapter? Would need to ramp up the suction, but now you have a bigger opening.
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    Best-of-the-Best BLS Equipment Cheap but reliable trauma shears. I prefer yellow, makes me feel faster. High speed, low drag, good to go. :P As Tigger said, a quality bag is probably the best thing you could have. Not much in the way of...
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    What's the dumbest thing you've said to a patient?

    I say "hop" and "quick" a lot. "Well hop on up there" or "Let's head over their real quick". Just the way I've spoken my whole life. I have been corrected by multiple elderly patients, saying "I don't think I can do that".
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    EMTs/Paramedics working in an ER

    1. They are hired as Paramedics 2. I got on as an ER Tech, and EMT-B was a requirement, and not interchangeable with CNA. Interestingly enough, throughout the rest of the hospital on the floors CNA was required to tech, and EMT was not interchangeable. I agree, 2 completely different training...
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    Transport billed... To a dead man's family.

    This is a very good point. I am curious of the statistic of how many dollars go unpaid towards EMS-related bills. In a perfect, socialist system it really would make sense for all first responder (EMS, Fire, LEO) to come without bills, and be completely subsidized by taxes. It would take...
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    CNN journalist administers precordial thump.

    I wish I knew that prevented cardiac arrest.
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    Transport billed... To a dead man's family.

    No opposition from me on billing dead people. Last thing I want to see is "You'll live, or your money back!" I agree, but unfortunately there is some grey area. Does this mean the government should also pay for a pedi's code because there was no parent/guardian available at the time? For psych...