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  1. SandpitMedic

    NYC Covid EMT surge staffing job

    Let us know how it goes guys!
  2. SandpitMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    You’ll figure it out with some experience. Or maybe someone else can help you out with this one.
  3. SandpitMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Bark bark!
  4. SandpitMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Yes, I am familiar with what protocols say. Like I said, get creative.
  5. SandpitMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Your posts indicate you are so far beyond your depth that it’s not worth anyone even trying to help you anymore. You have the emotional maturity of a 13 year old. Please just stop and understand you are new to all of this and the people talking to you are not.
  6. SandpitMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    Re: CPR on a hospice pt? If they’re on hospice it means they’re on a DNR. And if they’re not, because the papers haven’t been “filled out” then you should get creative to abide by the patient’s wishes.
  7. SandpitMedic

    Any states fast tracking medics with NREMT for state cert

    Still requiring any state cert/license. Need one of those yesterday.
  8. SandpitMedic

    Any states fast tracking medics with NREMT for state cert

    Hey guys. Does anyone know of any states that are fast tracking certification for paramedics with minimal hoops during this COVID thing or that already did prior to? I have my NR and CCT cert, just need a state cert/license pronto... thanks in advance.
  9. SandpitMedic

    Any leads on hiring for COVID 19 stuff for EMS?

    Good ol’ CHS! (Caliburn)
  10. SandpitMedic

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    Don’t encourage him.
  11. SandpitMedic

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    2nd that. Can we give this guy a two week social media isolation?
  12. SandpitMedic

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    I’ll bet this all that ****in’ ***** Carol Baskins fault!
  13. SandpitMedic

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    You didn’t answer my question. Are you an American citizen? And how did you get a great long term international gig in Thailand?
  14. SandpitMedic

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    I think that’s a bit hyperbolic, even the WHO estimates ~250-650k deaths a year from influenza... 100+M??? Come on, I understand you’re stressed and anxious about this. I also understand unchecked COVID could kill some more of us, but again, we have the ability to defeat the natural process of...
  15. SandpitMedic

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    Yes it was. You don’t have to agree. We have become accustomed to our lives and believe ourselves to be the center of this planet. We forget how insignificant we really are, and that Mother Nature could hard reset this planet at any moment taking millions if not billions of lives. Shoot...
  16. SandpitMedic

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    @RedBlanketRunner are you a US citizen? How did you get a long term gig in Siam?
  17. SandpitMedic

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    All those dumb preppers are laughing at posts like this now. Guess who was right? When SHTF it usually isn’t a foreseeable event. I too wish I had more, even sitting on a good supply. While I don’t think this virus is the one that kills us all... I think things will get worse before they get...
  18. SandpitMedic

    Any leads on hiring for COVID 19 stuff for EMS?

    Any contract agencies?
  19. SandpitMedic

    Any leads on hiring for COVID 19 stuff for EMS?

    Looking to see what’s out there. I saw one from OnsiteOHS... anyone know of any other contract agencies that are spot hiring medics or EMTs? This is for COVID related jobs... not for AMR or your department.
  20. SandpitMedic

    Coronavirus Discussion Thread

    Alright ladies and gentlemen... The science dudes over there who wrote the big scary Imperial Study (you know, the one which claimed we were all destined to die or be building coffins soon if we didn’t enact a complete shut down) have recanted their study. They admit they were wayyyyyy off base...