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  1. M

    Light or No Lights?

    The state of Iowa now has us filling out lights and sirens forms every time we use them. The state believes running hot is a danger to other drivers, not just us. We fill it out with name, dispatch complaint. Our impression of patient and why they were used. Plus a copy of the run...
  2. M

    Mistaken for anaphylaxis?

    This was an EMT b practical. I promise you. They wanted the epi
  3. M

    Question regarding ePCR

    I do not include in the narrative anything already covered unless it caused a complication etc.
  4. M

    Mistaken for anaphylaxis?

    You don't give asthmatics or pneumonia pts epi and both of them can have wheezes. Trouble breathing, known allergen, hives.. . Epi There was a reason for this scenereo and that was to administer epi.
  5. M

    Do sirens 'NEED' to be on while driving code 3?

    In Iowa we can run just lights. We do many transfers to south Dakota and if it is an emergent transport and we have to flip on lights, by law we have to run sirens too
  6. M

    Study tips for emt basic test?

    Tomorrow? Don't study. Go to bed. Sleep well
  7. M

    EMT finding creative ways to work?

    Volunteer at park n rec ball games etc. Just make sure you are working under a medical director and are insured either by a squad "at least or yourself
  8. M

    ALS or BLS?

    We are als conditional. Meaning we have both. Most of the time we run with on call bls crew, but our medics have a hand held radio on them and will respond if the dispatch complaint sounds like they are needed or we request them.
  9. M

    EPI Pen

    Iowa here, bls and we have epi pens on our truck
  10. M

    Time spent on scene

    If its not life threatening and a 20 min transport? I'll get my vitals and an assessment on scene and another set before calling in about 5 to 10 min out. If the patient is in really bad shape, I do what I have to ABCS on scene, and the rest in the back. I will get bp before taking off to get...
  11. M

    New guy here.

    I had no formal medical background either. All I had was children. One with a history of childhood seizures and a preemie that came home on O2. Just pay attention in class and at clinical. You don't have to stop at the minimum clinical requirements. I did extra for experience at a place that...
  12. M

    Didn't Wear PPE - Should I worry ?

    Personally, I wear gloves to every call, on every patient until I see there is no body fluids present. You can be dispatched to a syncope patient where it isn't mentioned they have a head wound or GI bleed. Etc. On long transfers with no fluids present I don't want the patient to feel they...
  13. M

    Pretty sure I just failed my practicals...

    No, I doubt you failed. If you get all the skills done in the correct time it is a pass. If he actually said the pt wasn't tolerating it, he was allowed to give you that pointer. You then changing courses to the correct action is a check mark for the right treatment. If it was a critical fail...
  14. M

    Possible Sepsis

    How far out are you? If you can't get als intercept and have a ways to go, I'd consider helo
  15. M

    Stressed out !

    Brady, among all the other books are a little outdated. No more elevation. Also, my test had o2 titration
  16. M

    Retaking an EMT-Basic Course

    Wow, if you have most of it under your belt, why not go online? You will have to do skills in person, usually its a few Saturdays at a local training center. 4,000 is a lot to lose. Can you repeat the skills part? Or take an EMT refresher?
  17. M

    How are Barbara Aehlert's EMT textbooks?

    We used the Brady book and had the workbook. I never opened the work book
  18. M

    Something to Think About

    Not like yours, but my daughter has been living with an illness over the last several months. She went into shock in March and was taken by ambulance to another hospital for more skilled care. I think I identify with parents more, and she with patients. She is also on our squad as a student and...
  19. M

    Didn't Wear PPE - Should I worry ?

    If someone is bleeding enough you may get it on you, you should wear a gown.
  20. M

    Didn't Wear PPE - Should I worry ?

    Lol I don't think he meant R rated, but people do rub their eyes and noses. Eyes are a big route of exposure