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  1. M

    informal things to call kids

    Whatever works for you. I'm glad to work in a small town. I know most of them anyway
  2. M

    informal things to call kids

    A lot of very young children respond much better when the big scary EMT from the ambulance gets on their knee and is less formal. An 8 year old will want to be called by their first name but a three year old boy responds very well to little man and a teddy bear. If it works on their fears...
  3. M

    informal things to call kids

    Little man, little dude, depending on injury. . Superman etc Princess (name) , little dudette, etc
  4. M

    skills testing -- feedback

    I had a cardiac for my skills too :) What I said differently from you was I never applied o2. I said I considered o2 therapy. Even though we didn't have a pulse ox during testing , I asked level and evaluator just gave a number. , I believe she said 95. I explained I wouldn't apply o2 on that...
  5. M

    To BB or not

    Unless it caused him to tumble through the air Charlie Brown style I wouldn't. He isn't complaining of neck pain, so why would we?
  6. M

    Inappropriate Pics Found on PT

    Why would a library book had undressed girls, even for ballet? To me that's strange. Hipaa is thought of as a need to know sort of thing. If someone is endangering others , it is a need to know. As a mandated reporter, it is your job to report illegal activity. It is law that you do. You...
  7. M

    Emergencies or Transport

    I feel very lucky to get to do both about equally.
  8. M

    The nice things a patient will do.

    Besides a thank you in the paper or a card to the garage , most of what I get is my hand being held and being told thank you for being so caring etc.
  9. M

    Certificate vs. Associates?

    Where I'm at an associates in paramedicine can bridge to an RN. One with a certificate can not. The associates is a a paramedic specialist.
  10. M

    loss of skills from no practice...

    Open your book, its in there. Practice on a friend. Help out at the place you went to school.
  11. M

    Test Score?

    Had mine in a week, but your state will differ. You need to contact them about how to get your state certificate. You won't get your test results. Just pass/fail
  12. M

    DNR and assisted ventilations.

    I was the only one who said advocate, when you used that in the sense you did, I knew that part was directed back at me. And if you think that was a personal attack I'd hate to see what a real one would do to you. I am not going to personally attack anyone. Good grief Yes I know there are...
  13. M

    DNR and assisted ventilations.

    Nobody is talking about with holding treatment, only doing what the patient wants and keeping them comfortable. I said to advocate for the pt, no kill them. Why do you not pay attention? Believe me. I know all about hospice, unfortunately . More than most. Believe it or not, it does mean...
  14. M

    DNR and assisted ventilations.

    If this is a bacterial or viral thing, by all means, he needs treatment. A bvm for assisting vents? No. That won't make the pt comfortable. The doctor needs called. Likely the pt can be treated without being uprooted if he is in the final stages. Fluid in the lungs is very very common in later...
  15. M

    Essential BLS Equipment/Gear

    Loving the duct tape! Comes in handy actually
  16. M

    What do you use for a watch/timepiece while on duty?

    I have it strapped to my vest and then I wear a nurses silicone band watch on my arm. Both water resistant. The one on my vest is a back up in case I forget to wear mine or am called out of the shower
  17. M

    Essential BLS Equipment/Gear Here it is
  18. M

    Essential BLS Equipment/Gear

    It has a jet pack. I can even fly ;) No, not bullet proof
  19. M

    Essential BLS Equipment/Gear

    I do. Its nice to have it all stocked and ready