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  1. Gurby

    Am I going crazy?

    By the looks of it, he was so thankful to find this post that he actually created an account for the sole purpose of bumping this thread.
  2. Gurby

    Acute onset of unexplained hypothermia (non-environmental)

    Thanks for following up with the results. Glad that the scary things that could cause this have been mostly ruled out.
  3. Gurby

    Would benadryl help anaphylaxis any?

    You are correct about the "ostomy" vs "otomy" thing. The key difference is "cricothyr-" vs "trache-". In a cricothyrotomy, you are cutting the cricothyroid membrane. This is apparently easier to do and has fewer complications. In a tracheotomy/ostomy you are cutting in between the rings of...
  4. Gurby

    the 100% directionless thread

    Every time I hear about agonal breathing fooling people, I think of this video. I'm sure I've posted it before but I'm impressed every time I rewatch it:
  5. Gurby

    Septal infarct > Flash Pulmonary edema > Code

    Thanks for sharing, good case. I look forward to hearing discussion about this from the more experienced people here. I'm not sure if there is a good answer. It seems like there was a high probability of him crashing before making it to hospital unless you had a cath lab in the back of the...
  6. Gurby

    Paramedic Continuing Education

    I never really figured out how the CME stuff works, and can't be bothered to spend a bunch of time doing it. My tip is that "recert by exam" is a thing - if you're willing to shell out $125 you can just retake the NREMT and call it a day. But maybe it's worth the trouble to figure out if your...
  7. Gurby

    STEMI Mimic?

  8. Gurby

    Having Trouble Passing NREMT-B - Suggestions?

    Just that you crushed it if you finished ~70 questions in 15-20 minutes! Congrats!
  9. Gurby


    +1 for anticholinergic toxicity. The symptoms are classic, but it is unusual to see in such a young person - it is apparently more common in older people. What else was going on with her? Some other medical issues, or did she just take a ton of it?
  10. Gurby

    Acute onset of unexplained hypothermia (non-environmental)

    I don't think any medical advice has been given except for "go see a doctor". Any update, OP?
  11. Gurby

    Acute onset of unexplained hypothermia (non-environmental)

    I mean, if a hot flash went on for long enough if could, I guess? I'd still want to check thyroid labs and look in the urine for serotonin metabolites. I guess up to 10% of patients taking ACE inhibitors experience flushing, so maybe a reaction to the Mavik is the most likely culprit?
  12. Gurby

    Acute onset of unexplained hypothermia (non-environmental)

    Did she have hot flashes during menopause? I would put my money on it being some sort of weird hyper-intense hot flash. It apparently is not uncommon for women to keep having hot flashes until mid-60's.
  13. Gurby

    Acute onset of unexplained hypothermia (non-environmental)

    I think it's definitely worth following up with an actual doctor about this. How long ago did it happen, and has it happened again since? When was menopause? What medications was she on at the time, did she take anything earlier that day? Does she get headaches, focal numbness or weakness...
  14. Gurby

    Advice on NREMT

    Consider hiring a tutor. I bet you'd have no trouble finding a paramedic to help you for $30/hr, or maybe a PA/Nursing/Med school bound EMT-B.
  15. Gurby

    Prior to administering nitroglycerin (NTG) to a patient, what vital signs must you know

    The answer is probably "Blood pressure and Heart Rate", but there's more to it than that, which is why this assignment is a paper and not a short-answer question.
  16. Gurby

    Continuing education between an EMT and Paramedic.

    ACLS and PALS aren't BS, they're just kind of a waste of your time, effort and money at this point (IMO). If you want to do something productive right now, Khan Academy is amazing and free. Working through their Chem and Bio courses would give you a great foundation for starting medic...
  17. Gurby

    How has being in EMS changed you?

    I always liked the Douglas Adams quote, "anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
  18. Gurby

    GTN for hypertension/Stroke???

    Interesting to me that they were worried enough to give a drug for the HTN, but transported non-emergent? What did they think was going on?
  19. Gurby

    Budesonide ?

    Are they contraindicated, because they can act as a partial agonist and interfere with shorter acting drugs that might have stronger effect? Or are they not indicated, because there are better drugs for the acute setting?