Search results

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    MVA and spinal immobolization

    Look at your local protocol because it will vary. In my county an EMT can only look at mechanism, while only medics can use a protocol to clear c-spine.
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    Licensing question

    Couldn't find anything on the search, so asking here. Just about to finish up my medic program and was just curious as to whether the medic cert supersedes the EMT cert. I.E. when I get my state and national cert can i work as an EMT if I let my EMT expire? Or do you have to keep both current?
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    Where to take my paramedic prerequisites,UCLA or Saddleback

    There shouldn't be a prereq for UCLA besides the experience as an EMT and the standard EMT and CPR card that wont expire through the program. Yes it helps to have ACLS, PALS, prep course, etc, but it only gives you points to help on your application. I didn't take any of those courses when I...
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    CARE Ambulance NAPA County proposal

    I don't think it really matters too much if they have had medic services before. They would just hire everyone that workes at the encumbant provider anyway. Just like they did when they took over AMR's old LA County contracts. I worked at CARE when they put this bid in. My thinking is it is like...
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    Santa Monica Fd

    I hate the local news so much. Do we really care what Joe from Palms says or random lady from Riverside. I commend them for trying to change the system. Santa Monica UCLA makes everyone hold the wall. ALS or not. That's just how they operate. Now Regan is a lot better and trying to get people...
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    Bringing in an AEDs on BLS Calls

    Check your county or department policy for that. I know the department I work for reuqires us to bring our Zoll (my unit is BLS so we use AED function) to every call.
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    I'm a pretty new EMT. Advice on real patient assessments?

    Always remember your primary survey. If you're ever u sure of whats going on, revert back to your ABC's. The rest is practice like others have said. It truly does take awhile to be able to remember everything the patient is trying to tell you. They usually dont follow OPQRST and will just dump...
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    ALS upgrade for no reason

    In our system a seizure is a mandatory ALS transport. If he had another ALS has the drugs to stop it with benzodiazepins. Some sort of brain damage is happening diring a seizure so you always want to stop it ASAP.
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    While the class might not be of too much benefit, the PHTLS book is an interesting read with some useful information for everyone I feel. I bought my book used for a very reasonable amount.
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    Copy that! Danke for the info!
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    Edited to clarify NTG not thought to be curing the infarction.
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    I know it's isn't curing the problem by any means, just a temproary fix (along with our ASA stopping platelet aggregation) to just halt the dying tissue until definitive care can be done, i.e. cath lab or thrombolytics. Just curious if we can give in thr absence of chest pain to get the...
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    So I'm in my last month of didactic of school and was just curious of a few cardiac things. In class we were shown four serial 12-leads of an AMI that received pur full repetoire our EMS cardiac drugs; three NTG, MS, and ASA. The second 12-lead showed decreased ST elevation, and by the forth...
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    56 y/o, f

    Into just my third week of medic school, so be gentle. What were her skin signs? I'd go towards the lines of shock due to the dehydration. She's tachycardic with a low BP, I'd address that first with a fluid challenge and maybe a vasoconstrictor then see if that helped with the HR. If...
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    Youtube video- Detroit EMS: No Unit Available

    Think some private company will come in? Think they could even turn a profit in a destroyed financial Detroit?
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    Transporting a SOB back to res.

    It's hard when it's not your normal partner, but never feel like you're stepping on someone's toes by listening in on a report or asking to see the paperwork. Just because you're the driver, doesn't mean you wont be pulled in as being sharing responsibility for something that happens. My...
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    NYC Ride-A-Long

    LA will be a bit of a challenge. LAFD no longer does ride-alongs unless you have a family "in" last I heard, same with LACoFD. I know my old private company requires you to be in an affiliated EMT program. It's boring out here anyway. So close to hospitals, you wont get to see anything.
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    How great ARE your medical benefits?

    I was always impressed at the thought of our coverage, and I finally got myself to go and use them. I pay about $50 a month for a Kaiser HMO plan. Was sick for about a week and had a $10 copay to go see my PCP.
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    Hate to beat a dead horse...

    No company in our field is allowed to restrict you from working at competing companies. At least according to our operations manager. Had a CE and instructor started along the lines of not being able to work for two, but was stopped by ops. Don't know much about emergency other than they run...