Search results

  1. S

    Light Colors in your Area

    EMS & Fire Dept - red/white Police - red and blue or blue Roads, utilities, tow trucks, etc. - yellow
  2. S

    Average Calls Per Year

    I included only EMS calls in my total of 400. Adding fire calls would bump the total up by about 200 to 600 calls per year.
  3. S

    EMS Jokes

    Very true! B)
  4. S

    Warning devices on personal vehicles

    None. Maryland doesn't allow the use of warning devices on pov's except for a limited number of line officers per company. :(
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    EMS Jokes

    The worst part will be, when you say "shark attack," there will undoubtedly be people who believe you, and will want to know where the sharks came from! :lol:
  6. S

    Accident: OMFG

    Holy $#!^...what an incredible video! Can you imagine what must have been going through his mind as he tried to duck out of the way? Good grief!
  7. S

    You significant other...

    I have found over the years that it is very difficult to be a female in emergency services and have a relationship with a guy who is not. I absolutely don't wish to stereotype, because I know that there are some guys out there who are the exception, but it seems like the guys who are not...
  8. S

    Who are you?

    My name is Valerie, I am 34, divorced and have two sons. I work for the Red Cross in an administrative capacity, and have also been a Red Cross disaster services volunteer for 7 years. My educational background is in accounting, and I have worked at a local tax and bookkeeping service in one...
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    Why did you become an EMT?

    I think that I have wanted to be an EMT since I was about 5 years old...I just took the (very) long way around to get here! Started out majoring in music, then switched to nursing, but decided that wasn't for me either, and ended up in accounting. I wasn't really happy with it, though, and...
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    You know you're an EMT when...

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    Celebrity EMT's

    Rescuelt, I agree with your assessment....either good or VERY bad! B)
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    Does your state allow this?

    Maryland protocols allow EMT-Bs to assist a patient experiencing an allergic reaction with the patient's own OR the EMS service's Epi-pen, if the patient is experiencing "moderate to severe" symptoms or "mild symptoms with a history of a life-threatening allergic reaction." For asthma...
  13. S

    Response Times

    Yes, this has happened to me as well, and it's pretty weird. My scanner stays on 24/7, and there have even been times when I'll be dreaming about hearing a call on the radio, and then I wake up and it is actually being dispatched.
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    Patient Privacy Question

    Question 1: Yes, I would tell my partner. My partner is also a health care provider for this patient, so it is not a breach of confidentiality for me to inform him/her. I wouldn't necessarily use a tone of voice that would broadcast the information to the rest of the world at large, but a...
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    Forum Name

    The sunshine part comes from high school, when I got sunburned and everyone said I was glowing "as bright as sunshine." The 1026 is my station number.
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    Paid vs Volunteer Misconceptions

    Loved the poem. Along with volunteering as an EMT, I also volunteer for the Red Cross as a disaster services responder and instructor, and I have rarely run into the problem that ffemt8978 did, but I do find that where I am teaching has a lot to do with the attitude people have towards...
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    EMT Oath

    Thanks for searching and posting. I knew that the oath existed, but looking for it was one of those things that I never got around to either.
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    You know you're an EMT when...

    Dinner = king size Snickers bar and a liter of Mountain Dew How true, how true.....and don't my kids just love me for it! ;)
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    EMS all over the world

    That does really sound like it will be a neat thing to do....and just think of all the stories you will have when you get back! ;)
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    EMS Acronyms

    UBFL: Un-be-f*&%ing-lievable GOMER - Get Out Of My Emergency Room :D