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  1. E

    Anyone been through the...

    Thank you i will do that. I really appreciate the advise.
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    Anyone been through the...

    Thank you for the advise, that was something i told my self as well was being repetitive because when you do that it gets beat into your head and almost becomes second nature to you. I guess i forgot that i told my self that and it just slipped my mind. I will deffinitly read my protocol's over...
  3. E

    Anyone been through the...

    Yes i do have a couple friends who said they will help me. I just couldn't believe that i froze up on those protocol questions because i knew them i just became so nervous and drew a blank.
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    Anyone been through the...

    Thank you i will keep that in mind, remaining calm in an interview is hard though especially if you havent been through an interview in almost four years. I will for sure take my time answering the questions though so i dont freeze up again.
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    Anyone been through the...

    Ok so today i had an interview not with Pacific yet thats on thursday, but monday i got an unexpected call from a really small local BLS company to come in for an interview today at 1130 so i felt pretty confident going into the interview but left feeling miserable. I got asked two protocol...
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    AMR San Diego

    AMR SD is a good company very hard to get on with though. I put in an application at the end of March and have checked up on my application a few times and the HR lady said there not hiring for EMT-B for awhile her guess was 3-6 months. They run in Alpine, La Mesa, Rancho San Diego, Chula Vista...
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    Totally confident?

    If you took the NREMT you should be able to go online and check it and get your results. Good Luck!
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    Totally confident?

    It can be a pretty scary test. I went into it feeling good, feeling confident and i left thinking "man there were some questions i totally knew and blew it", i was scared not going to lie when i left thinking im going to be comingback in two weeks re-taking this test. The more i thought about it...
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    Taking BP and pulse in the ambulance

    I tend to have a problem getting vitals in the ambulance especially when your going Code 3 or you hit a ton of bumps in the road. It's to noisy so i will usually just palp a pressure if i can't hear it after two or three trys. I will usually try to get a BP when im at a stop light because if...
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    Saturation Monitor

    Talk with one of your supervisors and make sure your O2Sat monitor is accurate, im sure they will explain to you how to check it or inform you that its accurate.
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    Ca.ambulance liscense test?

    There were a few random ones in there. I think there were some about making sure the ambulance is equipped with certain items and there were certain things you could take off the ambulance due to certain circumstances. You have to yield to stop signs a stop lights as long as you re-duce your...
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    Ca.ambulance liscense test?

    I just took that test in February i didn't find it to difficult at all. To me it seemed like common sense. Make sure you know when to use "Code 3" lights and sirens. Where most ambulance accidents occur i.e. intersections. When as a driver you can not drive the ambulance. Even in code 3 status...
  13. E

    Anyone been through the...

    So black slacks, white polo shirt, and i also have a pair of steal toed boots that are black and polishable. A Medic gave me his old steal toe's on a ride along i did with him and there in decent shape. Does that sound reasonable for my interview? Gosh im so nervous already and it's still a week...
  14. E

    Anyone been through the...

    Thank you so much i will deffinitly look over those questions and get comfortable with them. Well as comfortable as i can.
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    Anyone been through the...

    Yes i did pass my NREMT test. Thank you so much for your insights on the interview process. Hopefully i get the job because its something i want really bad. I think for the interview im just going to wear black slacks and a white polo with dress shoes and ill bring my running shoes with me...
  16. E

    Anyone been through the...

    So they have you fill out a written application along with your online application? What other questions did he ask you if you dont mind me asking? Anything on the written test that i should be very familiar with i feel pretty confident in the stuff i know but just want to make sure. What does...
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    Anyone been through the...

    Pacific Ambulance San Diego Divison interview process? What exactly happens during everything in the interview process? The questions they ask you? I really want to nail this interview.
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    Horrific EMS providers

    I'm sorry but i would not bare a patient infront of hundreds of on looker's. I would have more respect for the patient then that.
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    EMS In Crisis

    hahah thats so funny.