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  1. E

    first aid scope of practice?

    In NY and Colorado Intubation is condisered a BLS Skill for Medics. Thank God!
  2. E

    I want a bigger pill

    Glad to see you survived! Too bad there was nobody to supervise the 12 year old! ;)
  3. E

    Ouch! Oww! Waahh!

    I get poison ivy like that...I do not go to the ER any more for that (convience when I was in NY...go in complain to the attending...get my shots and a scrip), but when I did...boy they wanted pictures and everything. I never have seen anything like it either!
  4. E

    How do you communicate ?

    FDNY still transmitts their station identifier via morse code to remain FCC compliant.
  5. E

    What do you carry? - The mega thread

    I love my NY strap, and the shorty keeper strap I have on it more radio swinging in the patients face! ;)
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    You know you are a dinosaur when

    I have been on the job a while too...Some of our members were not born yet when I started, and cannot understand about riding on the tailboard or not wearing gloves. :rolleyes:
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    HEY look at ME!!!

    PS...I am knocking at your back door! I wish getting promoted on the job was this easy! ;)
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    How do you feel doing BLS calls?

    You should leave ALS for when you need them...but no need to beat up on the BLS either. I used to get loads of BLS (Crappy disptcher...then tried to pre-empt me for a high priority back in my own area) is no big deal.
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    12 Lead EKG?

    Doctor B is right...try to stay inhead of the is awfully hard to get back there once you let it in front of you!
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    Happy Birthday Matt!

    Hope you had a good one!
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    AMR San Diego

    I still use the old method of O2 administration. If you have SOB or are really get it. ;) Pulse OX is nice...but I can still tell when to use O2
  12. E

    Ouch! Oww! Waahh!

    They say anything over 30 is misleading...but what do I know???...I use 30 myself!
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    Vehicle Extrication Training/Information

    I run a Squad Engine, and we get to practice often with the tools...on actual MVA's and in training. I recieved my basic training in Firefighter II and advanced training from Hurst.
  14. E

    Vehicle GPS Tracking

    I used to hate dispatchers on a power trip...another reason I do not work for the privates anymore...ever part time. GPS is goos...except if they (the powers that be) try to screw you with it. It should be used for resource management for dispatching.
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    What do you carry? - The mega thread

    I wear suspenders. ;) I used to wear a belt...long time ago. Radio holster, EMT pouch with scissors hemostat (for to hang IV's on EMT's or LEO's). A pager and a 3 cell maglight (with batteries taped together...more solid that way) Glove pouch...and IIFC that was about it.
  16. E

    LED Lights on Ambulance?

    Our two new busses have all LED set ups...They are available in full size lightbar configurations, and I like it. Looks like a UFO landing!