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  1. Specialized

    EMS Mnemonics (memory device)

    Ahh okay, that makes sense. Thank you.
  2. Specialized

    EMS Mnemonics (memory device)

    I know this isn't exactly a mnemonic, but what does LALS mean? I've never heard this term before.
  3. Specialized

    Staying at emt level

    I've met a few of these EMT's out there. Simply put, they are amazing people who know how to help us newer EMTs.
  4. Specialized

    New basic, what should I bring with me?

    Aside from Wallet, keys and phone. I carry a small notepad, 2 pens, a flashlight, a stylus, and a handful of gloves. Whatever you think will be useful, but dont overdo it. Just remember, whatever you bring, you gotta carry it.
  5. Specialized


    That sounds illegal to me. Go with your gut feeling because it is usually right.
  6. Specialized

    What's the dumbest thing you've said to a patient?

    Hey guys, let's not blow things out of proportion here..
  7. Specialized

    What's the dumbest thing you've said to a patient?

    Transported a pt down to the city. Half way through I ask her to sign my pcr. Me not realizing that she had both thumbs, ring fingers and pinkies wrapped up in gauze, handed her my stylus to sign. Followed by me having a mental "oh ****" moment. We had a good laugh over it but boy was that...
  8. Specialized

    You know you are an EMT/Paramedic when...

    This! And also hitting the brakes harder than you need to in your POV. I notice I do this in my Civic after driving the box all night.
  9. Specialized

    A lacerated artery

    For BLS, that would be hard to determine. I certainly wouldn't make that call myself. Unless I see decapitation or rigor mortis present. They aren't dead until they're warm and dead with zero cardiac output.
  10. Specialized

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Thank you, Calvin and Hobbes, good choice!
  11. Specialized

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Glad I found this thread. Hello everyone. Greetings from the Golden State. I'm probably one of the younger ones here(21) but I've found that coming here is quite fun and actually educational. Imagine that huh? I'm new to ems, graduated EMTb back in May, passed NREMT in early June. Applied to a...
  12. Specialized

    A lacerated artery

    If I came upon this scene where I work... 1.) Call Dispatch and inform them of this situation, then pick up my phone and call 911 and get an ALS rig over asap. 2.) I would apply direct pressure over the wound. not ignoring the huge pool of blood of course, if that didn't work, then I'd apply a...
  13. Specialized

    EMT School

    No matter how hard it gets, don't give up. It is worth it in the end. When you become EMT certified, it's one of the best feelings in the world.
  14. Specialized

    New EMT in San Francisco seeking help...

    AMR Sutter Division is hiring EMT's for IFT and CCT. They operate out of San Francisco county as well as all around the bay area and central valley. I'll be down in the city monday for my first scheduled shift with an FTO since Sonoma isn't in operation yet. Check out AMR Sutter, they're hiring...
  15. Specialized

    What jobs can you get with EMT-B in California

    AMR is hiring EMT's for their Sutter IFT Division in Sonoma, San Francisco, Sacramento, and quite a few more.
  16. Specialized

    EMS Mnemonics (memory device)

    I don't mean to quote a really old post but another great one is "My baby looks hot tonight". That one is always easy to remember!
  17. Specialized


    Best of luck to you! Hope all goes well and you pass. I'm signed up to go test in Oakland this Saturday. One website my EMT instructor showed us was FISDAP. They have an EMT test as well as an EMT-P test you can buy for $20. Two time use.
  18. Specialized

    Patiently waiting for the new Safetysuit record.

    Patiently waiting for the new Safetysuit record.