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  1. V

    For Blood Pressure experts

    Quick question for those who are great with auscultation of blood pressures. Is there an average on how many mmHg the third phase Kortikoff sounds (when they get really loud) are below the first sounds. I'm trying to figure out if it is probable that a pt with a systolic blood pressure in the...
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    No more sternal rubs??

    Hey don't shoot the messenger :) This is what one of our agencies training officers said was told to him by an MD at a major EMS conference. Now, putting on my computer science hat for a minute, it is a shorter distance from the brain to the trap than to the sternum so propagation delay is...
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    No more sternal rubs??

    I was told not to use eternal rubs because they are ineffective. Supposedly the nerves to that area don't go directly to the brain They said to do a trap squeeze as the nerve runs directly to the brain
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    Why we don't talk.

    The point I am trying to make is that in those situations is that losing a career for seeking treatment can lead to actual suicide just like the PTSD itself. It is a recognized psychological fact that especially for men their identity is tied more strongly to their career and losing the career...
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    BLS drugs

    Administer: Oxygen Albuterol Epi-pen ASA Narcan Atropine (organophosphate poisonings and nerve agents) Oral glucose Activated charcoal Assist: Nitroglycerin Bronchodilators metered dose inhalers
  6. V

    Is PASG for Basic Shock Treament used anymore?

    Theoretically they are still in protocol for us. But it's a "if the planets align and you spin around three times maybe you will be allowed to use them protocol". I know the BP needs to be extremely low like below 80/50 as one of the criteria Our EMT instructor though believed they should be...
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    Why we don't talk.

    It's not stigma if it really is as bad as people claim it to be. For example, especially if someone is a volunteer admitting to mental health issues could ruin multiple careers especially if the persons paid position is in law enforcement or has a security clearance. This could then cause a...
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    Prevention in EMS

    I know that community ems/paramedicine is now doing some of this, but why is prevention not emphasized in ems the way it is in the fire service and even law enforcement? For example, the same way the fire service does smoke detector installation and fire inspections and the way that law...
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    L&S Ambulance surrounded and stopped by ATV riders- What would you do?

    Dual sirens on the phaser tone with the rumbler/howler ought to make them rethink their plan quickly. If a weapon gets displayed with no way out for the crew. That is when the brush guard on the front of the rig gets some use
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    Helicopter Usage

    I mentioned the O2 because I think the flight crew put him on it, and a 4 lead, probably more so they could say they did something And around here BLS flights are exceedingly rare, in fact that is the only one I have heard of
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    Helicopter Usage

    Just wanted to run this situation by everyone and get their opinions on it. Our local hospital had a patient with a partial thumb amputation. Replantation center is 45 min to 1 hour away by ground, so they called for a helicopter transfer. Now, the thing is this patient was completely...
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    IFT calling 911?

    When I was dispatching 911 we had the opposite situation. The nursing homes called 911 for EVERYTHING not prescheduled because they figured out that IFT cost about $1000 per patient transported, where as 911 was "free" (taxpayer funded). This resulted in several times 3 PIECES of fire...
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    HIPAA question

    Here is the privacy rule and who it applies to: Health Care Providers. Every health care provider, regardless of size, who electronically transmits health information in connection with certain transactions, is a covered entity. These transactions include claims, benefit eligibility...
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    HIPAA question

    Technically your captain might be right. My understanding is that HIPAA only applies "covered entity" if either: 1. Your agency bills health insurance (it is called the HEALTH INSURANCE portability and accountability act) or 2. You use electronic medical records. It is quite...
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    Moving the point of contact further out…"community health responders"

    What about authorizing other transport destinations besides the ER for some of these people. i.e. someone cuts their finger slicing food: transport to adult urgent care clinic kid falls down and scrapes knee -> pediatric urgent care clinic This should help free up the ER for real...
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    EMS dispatch jobs

    I guess what I meant was a progressive and well respected EMS agency that has it's own dispatch.
  17. V

    EMS dispatch jobs

    Does anyone know of an EMS agency either municipal/fire based or hospital/private with heavy 911 work that has a good dispatch system?
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    Masters degree in EMS: An old idea rehashed

    I would love to see higher education for EMS; but I do have questions. For example, if we were to require masters' degrees to be a paramedic how long do you think you would keep those people, before they realize they could find something better than 16 hour overnights sleeping on a street...
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    HIPAA Violation or not?

    Like others have said. Accessing the hospitals internet for unauthorized purposes and uploading something from their computer will get you into trouble always, even if it was a video of you talking about your family or pets back at home. Regardless of HIPAA.
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    National Standards

    I've noticed in some past threads that people have said that one way to make EMS better/more professional then now is to have some sort of national standard/training. Is this really the best option though? Some might even say a statewide standard is too broad. For example, the way you...