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  1. planetmike


    For scheduling and forms, we used to use Aladtec, now use eSchedule, will be switching to ESO next year. I think ESO is expensive overkill for scheduling volunteers. Our County uses ImageTrend for PCR. We also use a smattering of Google Forms. For the pharmacy, we will be using LogRx and...
  2. planetmike

    NREMT Cut Off At 64-70ish Questions Did I pass Or Fail?

    It's been a day since you posted, so you should have your answer by now. The day I took my test, I passed at 70. Someone else in my class failed at 70. Anecdotal responses aren't super helpful in this area. Good luck!
  3. planetmike

    Spinal Immobilization on Trampoline

    Practice regularly. Before or after hours. Then while you're open, practice. Get someone to be the patient and have them "crash" and see what you have to do.
  4. planetmike

    Grad Degrees

    I have an MPA. Had I known then what I know now, I would have chosen a masters in something more specific, like a masters of public health. The MPA is a little too generic.
  5. planetmike

    Vent about age

    You'll grow out of it. Hopefully they will too.
  6. planetmike

    Is Vol EMS still relevant in 2024

    One of the places volunteer EMS is still very relevant is in med school applications. Med schools and even regular 4 year colleges are wanting applicants to have volunteering experience. And the med schools want an accounting of how many hours have been spent on getting some medical experience...
  7. planetmike

    Open house

    Are you mostly fire then? I'd think you couldn't have an agency with only 4 people. Have a bounce house for keeping kids entertained, plus a nice visual to be seen from the roadway. BP and glucose checks (if permitted by your OMD and protocols for invasive procedures for non-patients). Have...
  8. planetmike

    patient's Apple Watch -- useful on a call !

    I just got a family member an Apple Watch. It has been much more reliable than her old "fallen and can't get up" button. She is also more active in keeping it charged, vs the old button thing that had a dead battery a couple days every week.
  9. planetmike

    EMTs Charged with FIRST-DEGREE MURDER after Strapping Man to Stretcher Facedown

    Already a thread for this issue:
  10. planetmike

    Cardiac Rhythms on Dynamic and Static NREMT Practical

    I couldn't tell you, I didn't pass. ;) There were a lot of squiggles going up and down different distances. Seriously, they were fairly straightforward. Basic ACLS will get you most of the way through it.
  11. planetmike

    Beware of S NH courses!!!

    Ummm, there's a lot to go over in that. Have you spoken with the instructor about the reviewer that proctored you?
  12. planetmike

    Crew obtained refusal but no vitals?

    If the patient refused vitals and/or 12 lead, hopefully that is documented in the report's narrative.
  13. planetmike

    EMT Wrist Watch - Taking Pulse with No Second Hand

    Our state EMT skills testing doesn't allow any digital devices at the testing sites. That's probably where the non-digital watch came from. Since Covid, testing sites are no longer regional state-run, so it is a bit less of a requirement" to have a second hand.
  14. planetmike

    EMT Wrist Watch - Taking Pulse with No Second Hand

    I'm not sure why my question was bumped over into its own thread, but whatever. In my EMT classes, we emphasize that students should have a non-digital watch so they can take vital signs the old-fashioned way. Is this one of those ideas that in the real world, it doesn't matter, trust the...
  15. planetmike

    EMT Wrist Watch - Taking Pulse with No Second Hand

    Legit question: How do you take manual vital signs without a second hand? Check pulse and respirations for 15 seconds, multiply by 4?
  16. planetmike

    Failed the NREMT 6 times

    Oof. That's rough. Unfortunately after six unsuccessful attempts you need to retake the entire EMT course should you decide you want to continue into the world of EMS. Look at your NREMT account. It should tell you what areas you need to focus in your studying. I'm not sure how it shows the...
  17. planetmike

    Attacks on Ukrainian hospitals, ambulances increasing rapidly, WHO warns

    If you're feeling brave and able to travel, I found info at
  18. planetmike

    Quick Poll - for EMS Research

    More possible responses: C. Linda has no injuries but should be taken to the hospital. D. Linda has a medical problem and should be taken to the hospital.
  19. planetmike

    Ride Along Anxiety

    If you have questions about something that happens on a call, ask them when the crew is no longer with the patient. You don't want to freak out the patient or the family. Safety first. If you're on a street, you should have some kind of high visibility vest to wear. If you are at a patient's...