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  1. J

    Outside EMS?

    Not much haha I like hiking, movies, going and watching live shows at local bars/lounges. I honestly need a hobby of my own or a side gig to keep me entertained but I want something not in medical field just to do for fun.
  2. J

    Power Stretchers - Who's not using em?

    Company I’m at still has manual but believe switching to power soon hopefully haha so much easier but will say the manual is much lighter loading
  3. J

    2020. What are your goals?

    Start first job as a medic and gain some experience to go to 911 side 🙌🏻 Continue college courses to obtain my bachelors and get financially stable
  4. J

    NREMT Paramedic 5th attempt, need help!

    I recently took it for medic ( in September) and found it most ridiculous test ever. Me and A lot of my classmates had issues with overthinking the questions. Make sure to read each one carefully. Don’t study day of. Rest. Relax. Go in with a positive mindset and take your time with each...
  5. J

    How to get out of imposter syndrome?

    Thanks for the replies! Hasn’t even been a week yet of field training haha 😆 I’m not doing bad just rusty with my assessments and controlling the scene in general but know it will come with time. Area I’m working in is pretty slow with about 3 calls in 12 hour shift. Luckily my FTO is very cool...
  6. J

    How to get out of imposter syndrome?

    I just got licensed and started working this week as a 911 medic but am having an issue with getting out of the “ intern” state of mind and realizing I am a medic? I feel confident in my skills and everything but still catch myself looking at my FTO for correction for no real reason
  7. J

    amr sandiego

    Yeah that is a long commute to not relocate for. Currently for me it’s about an hour an 45 minutes. Probably max for me. 5 hours will be crazy!!
  8. J

    amr sandiego

    I just got on with Santa Barbara and seems like a pretty legit system and heard good things from current employees 🤷🏼‍♂️ Bit of a move north but still the beach haha
  9. J

    amr sandiego

    I remember seeing starting is 19.20 for a 12hr shift for new medic
  10. J

    OEMS licensing success rate with OUI

    I’m not really knowledgeable on these kind of things but I say you should call the office and ask someone who is an expert in there policies. Every county, state, city etc has different policies regarding convictions. I’ve had partners with past DUIs (over 5 years) who gotten licensed with no...
  11. J

    Traumatic Asphyxia

    Oh boy. I don’t know what system or hospital will give out patient info to non transport personnel unless it’s to someone related to continued care. That being said, does not sound like TA. That would require significant trauma to thorax working in an OR, only time I ever Heard of it...
  12. J

    Keeping the Fire in EMS Response

    I use to work in a city that when medical happened, due to way of staffing, me and my partner ( both BLS) respond with ambulance and Two! Medic engines respond since you had to have two medics on scene and was only one medic per engine Granted, once first arrives they can cancel other but...
  13. J

    Epi Drips

    Wait no haha it is 0.1 to 0.5 mcg/kg/min basing off ACLS guidelines that is.
  14. J

    Epi Drips

    Oh yeah haha forgot those zero’s there
  15. J

    Becoming desensitized- what's your story?

    I was pretty stressed when I saw traumatic injuries and legit medical emergency’s when I first became and EMT. I would get tunnel vision almost every time. Then I got a job working in a OR for a level one trauma center. Almost 3 years of working here now and I can easily stare into the open...
  16. J

    Epi Drips

    Symptomatic Brady, hypotensive refractory to fluid, rosc ( but different dosage). Was taught 1mg of 1mg/10ml epi. In 250ml bag. Equal 4mcg/ml. Brady/hypotension infuse 2-10 mcg/min Rosc will be 0.1 to 0.5 mcg/kg/min. But area recently hired in doesn’t use epi drips and instead has push...
  17. J

    McCormick Written Test?

    They might have. I haven’t interviewed anywhere since then that map tested at all. Actually haven’t even done a skills test for interview In awhile also 🤷🏼‍♂️
  18. J

    McCormick Written Test?

    Might have changed. That was like 3 years ago or so when I took the written exam and map test. Was also a physical text which consisted of a body drag back and forth in hallway
  19. J

    McCormick Written Test?

    Yeah but was simple. You have a map and a sheet with addresses and you just write the route you will take on the map. Like street by street
  20. J

    McCormick Written Test?

    Last time I took it it was basic EMT nremt question’s. Nothing crazy. Was I think 50 questions? If you recently passed registry you will be okay