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    Language censors

    About fornicating time.

    P - MD/DO/PA???


    P - MD/DO/PA???

    There are plenty of EMTs turned PAs. There are plenty of EMTs turned physicians. I doubt that there are very many EMTs turned PA turned physician.

    Games We Play


    Games We Play

    Fetch me the left handed BP cuff game?

    the 100% directionless thread

    Well, The Last Ship has Russians and doesn't involve a farm, so...

    Any 911 providers in Ferguson area? (Riots)

    To be fair, it isn't hard when the police are launching Freedom Gas at news crews setting up for a live broadcast behind the police line.

    the 100% directionless thread

    Talk to the court and see if they can change the date to another time. Bring documentation if need be. I got a case dismissed in Massachusetts by showing them my med school acceptance letter and explaining that them delaying the case by a month (the officer had national guard duty) would mean...

    Nurses Balking About Proposed Calif. Paramedicine Program

    Recognizing that the education of one isn't equal to the other isn't having "so little respect" it's recognizing that there's a difference in education. Furthermore, I don't recognize "nursing experience" as a substitute for medical school, which is exemplified every time I get paged to...
  10. JPINFV

    Nurses Balking About Proposed Calif. Paramedicine Program

    Well, the government for one... Nurses for another...
  11. JPINFV

    Nurses Balking About Proposed Calif. Paramedicine Program

    Actually, to declare an FNP to be equivalent to a board certified family physician (and there's more than enough NPs out there ready to do that), it very much is a cracker-jack box degree when compared to 4 years of medical school and 3 years of residency.
  12. JPINFV

    Learning 10 Codes and Signals

    Also, make sure to train your noobs never to say, "Over and out." You simply can't be both "over" and "out" at the same time.
  13. JPINFV

    Nurses Balking About Proposed Calif. Paramedicine Program ...and 2 on campus visits in 2 years is essentially completely online. Call it a vacation, especially when those 2 vacations makes are supposed to make an NP equal to a residency trained physician capable of unsupervised medical...
  14. JPINFV

    Nurses Balking About Proposed Calif. Paramedicine Program

    So it's like the 2 year part time online courses where half of the information is fluff (admin, "capstone project," "nursing theory"), calling them a nurse practitioner, and saying that they're equal to physicians? I think the comeuppance are ready to come out of the oven.
  15. JPINFV

    the 100% directionless thread

    So... apparently a dissecting aortic aneurysm can be caused by an AM/PM burrito.
  16. JPINFV

    the 100% directionless thread

    D-Dimers... the test that I order when I really don't want to order a CT... even though the only function of a dimer is to delay the inevitable chest CT.
  17. JPINFV

    Learning 10 Codes and Signals

    Like any language, the best way to learn them is to use them in real life. The classroom is not real life.