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    EMS dreams crushed!

    Because EMTs are replaceable because people buy the line of "saving lives" and "doing what doctors do at 65 MPH" and end up holding a job driving granny to dialysis and back three times a week. Why is there a long line? Because in the grand scheme of things, EMT training is short, simple, and...

    Strobe Defeat

    What's the brand of the ambulance and what's the brand of the light control board?

    the 100% directionless thread

    Which story?

    the 100% directionless thread

    Well, when they asked if it worked, Senator McCain didn't raise his hand.

    the 100% directionless thread

    1. If they waterboarded or stuck one of our soldiers outside and let him freeze to death, would you call it torture? 2. I like to set the bar for myself at something higher than, "Well, we aren't as bad as the terrorists... but barely."

    EMS crew caught sleeping in ambulance

    If the nurse or tech was purely on call ("engaged to wait" being the proper HR term) and did not have any current patient care duties AND didn't have to monitor anything (i.e. pager dispatch), then I wouldn't have a problem with it. No one gets upset if the on call physician is sleeping...

    Criteria for a stroke code?

    Pretty much. However our bed to doc time is essentially nil anyways. It's not like the patient is waiting for 15 minutes for someone to walk in. Additionally we have 2 CT scanners, so once it is called, they go to CT pretty fast, unless we're dealing with traumas.

    For sale: 1 Stargate

    Absolutely nothing... if I had some place to put it up (it would have looked perfect in a game room time area), I would have, but it's been sitting in the garage since I got it.

    For sale: 1 Stargate

    If you want to pay for shipping... but I don't really have time to pack it up and ship.
  10. JPINFV

    For sale: 1 Stargate

    I am selling a Stargate. This is not a joke... but with my father moving to Florida I've lost my storage space. If you're in San Marcos, CA (or willing to drive, no shipping...), please feel free to make an offer... I'll take pretty much anything reasonable for it...
  11. JPINFV

    the 100% directionless thread

  12. JPINFV

    Criteria for a stroke code?

    At my hospital, we call a code stroke on essentially any abnormal neurological finding less than 6 hours old (used to be 24 hours). We don't call one based off of EMS though.
  13. JPINFV

    EMS crew caught sleeping in ambulance

    Next news article: Residents found sleeping in hospital call rooms. SMH.
  14. JPINFV

    Ambulance bank acc# frozen! :(

    Well... of course... you live in the Inland Methpire.
  15. JPINFV

    the 100% directionless thread

  16. JPINFV

    Ambulance bank acc# frozen! :(

    If it's frozen, you just have to let it go...
  17. JPINFV

    LA County Fire.....

    Also, in a logical world, the determination of EMT or paramedic transport should depend on the outcome of the assessment, not on what tools are used in the assessment. Of course So Cal is such a silly place.
  18. JPINFV

    Severely Acidotic / Sepsis

    There's a half a dozen different things that's going on with this patient that can cause elevated cardiac enzymes, especially the renal failure and the sepsis. Furthermore, even if it was an NSTEMI, then a cath would do nothing in this case except cause even more renal failure from contrast...
  19. JPINFV

    the 100% directionless thread

    So I just interviewed for the new EM residency at Orange Regional Medical Center in Middletown, NY and... they have a friggin covered drive through ambulance bay. Seriously... it's like a Jiffy Lube. Mind. Blown.
  20. JPINFV

    OCFA to try Private Paramedics for 911 Transport

    I'm surprised that Doctors is losing their Southern OC contracts. At least when I was down there (granted, its been a while), Doctors was pretty solid with their contracts as well.