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    We just use the plain jane Stryker. Not power operated..we still lift and I am alright with that. MDKEMT
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    How do you carry your radio?

    I reach out my arm with my hand open...slowly I close my hand grasping the smooth leather case that the LPE-200 Ericsson radio sleeps in and gracefully bringing to to my left side when I flip it upside down and push it into the leather holster on my belt..then I slowly rotate it 180 degrees to...
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    Medics fired after hazing incident

    This is rediculous. Sometimes people really do amaze me. Where did they get their brain? Honestly. MDKEMT
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    Hello From WV

    Best of luck to you! MDKEMT
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    The Difference about Being an EMT

    I love EMS! Does it consume my life...NO! But I do look forward to work..I do love being in the back..I do love the interaction and I love taking control of situations. With that being said, my days off are my days off to relax and spend with my family. MDKEMT
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    Coffee Talk!

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm coffee....does the body good! MDKEMT
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    A deer hit me

    I am lucky so far...Only one in this service who hasn't killed a dog yet! I hope it doesn't happen:unsure: MDKEMT
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    An open letter to the Author of "What does an EMT do?"

    I think it is a bit from colum A and B. It is reality but the bright side of it! MDKEMT
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    EMS suntans...........

    Hats are so last season! I hate those tans oh man and if you think you can get rid of such luck! MDKEMT
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    "I wanna be a DNR" song

    I totally dig this song! MDKEMT
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    Sorry kids, but this one wins...hands down...

    OWCH OWCH OWCH I do wonder though what the entire history is with this patient. I think there is more to the story then anyone will ever know especially seeing as the patient was CALM! MDKEMT
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    New procedure helps lightning victim survive

    Lucky guy! If it works great! MDKEMT
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    Slow Start to EMS for me...

    LOL....Just will come where you get the day from hell and just hope you last the whole 12 hours. I have had 20 calls in a 12 hour period and I have had no calls at all. Luck of the draw! MDKEMT
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    Input needed: Designing new run reports

    OMG I couldn't have said it better Rid! I can chart and I rather it be in my words then try and guess which box to check off. LOL But that is my opinion! MDKEMT
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    I Passed my NREMT! Woohoo!

    Congrats! Good work! MDKEMT
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    Advance Directive question

    Thats the same as above post here. If the patient is Cx they can tell you if they are willing to go to the hospital or not. DNR is not pertinent here in this particular case. MDKEMT
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    Coffee Talk!

    That is what I am saying!! No doctor there is no blood in my coffee stream! MDKEMT
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    Coffee Talk!

    For those of you who already know me on EMTLife you know that I am a coffee extremist! Here is an interesting article! Told you I will live a long life!! LOL:P MDKEMT
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    EMT Enhanced

    I'm staying out of this one this time! Oh Canada!!!! MDKEMT
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    Does accreditation make a difference..

    I would think it would be better to take at an accreditted place. This way it would make it easier to go to any if not all facilities for your medic training. However I am in Canada and am not sure if it is different there. MDKEMT