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  1. mikie

    Shaker on the front of the rig

    The Rumbler. The Federal Signal Rumbler edit: oops, didn't see MCERT1 beat me too it.. my bad.
  2. mikie

    MCI forms and barcodes

    not to change subjects... In regards to HIPAA & MCI's...doesn't the rules kinda change (for lack of a better term), at least for the purposes of make proper identification of (living or dead) bodies, reuniting families, etc? (I'm talking a real MCI, not a MVA w/ 1 Ambulance & 6...
  3. mikie

    TIPS for the EMT-B Newbie

    Not everyone needs high-flow O2 My tips for the new EMT : Oxygen: know its indications for practical application versus testing purposes. (i.e. no o2 vs NC vs NRB) - it's a major trend around here Become proficient with [manual] vital sign taking Become historian with your patients, develop...
  4. mikie

    New Paramedic TV show...

    i'm typically not the gossip/TMZ type but... more info:
  5. mikie

    New Paramedic TV show...

    EMSWorld Link So when they say comedy, do they mean parody?
  6. mikie

    ITLS vs. ATT

    ya, i spent a good grand for my paramedic program on the orange-topped AAOS books. Can just anyone write for them? Don't even get me started on that Nancy Caroline garbage... I have my 'ATT' (and AT&T) - no one has ever heard of it and have been told I should get my PHTLS/ITLS
  7. mikie

    Flyout Categories

    They do, I witnessed one last week. MVA 2 counties away from trauma center (excuse me.. "Primary Adult Resource Center") around 11am...they auto-launched Trooper 1. 10 minutes later it was back...
  8. mikie

    Flyout Categories

    Round of applause. As for the Maryland trauma decision tree (whether they become a UMMS pt or other hosptial essentially) there was a thread a few months ago..
  9. mikie

    Blood Pressure Every 2 Minutes

    The LifePak 15 has 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30 & 60 for settings
  10. mikie

    Does Any One Squeeze the Air Out of their I.V. Bag???

    pressure (In my experience): They do it on every bag that gets pressure (manual or automatic) infusers, cause as people already mentioned, there is residual air and when manually pressure infusing, that air will get infused in once the liquid is gone (after all, air if a fluid too). I can't...
  11. mikie

    Delicious Dyspena

  12. mikie

    Paramedic School Mega-Codes

    Yessir, its even better when you forget to them they're being recorded!
  13. mikie

    NG Tubes and Airway Management

    ET Tubes are not the only airway devices Hospitals have & use...
  14. mikie

    ER and Ambulance Rotations

    eh, you'll probably be fine in tennis-shoes, as long as they don't smell or anything...I don't know about your ERs...but there isn't a lot of room to sit unless your a pt or we're allowed to wear tennis-shoes for comfort (again, so long as its presentable, professional (not muddy, dirty...
  15. mikie

    ER and Ambulance Rotations

    Learn! Uniform, Professional! As as basic in the ER/ED: Mostly vitals (most places let EMT's throw on 3 leads), assessment, interact with staff, patients, observe, ask questions, stay out of the way. If a code comes in/occurs, CPR (compressions only (maybe ventilate the tubed PT, or drop...
  16. mikie

    Paramedic School Mega-Codes

    Simulators Do you have any (advanced) Simulation mannequins (i.e. Laerdal SimMan)? Endless possibilities (that is if you know how to make scenarios for them)...
  17. mikie

    NG Tubes and Airway Management

    3rd Reason? How about from vagal stimulation from the gastric distention, especially in the (younger) pedi patients?
  18. mikie

    Relation betwen B.P and radial pulsation.

    Thanks for the responses; I did read the one article by Deaken (though there are more dots than participants in the study, which makes me wonder about validity). PubMed was difficult; didn't yield much thanks so far!
  19. mikie

    Relation betwen B.P and radial pulsation.

    Yeah, I know how old this thread is. Does anyone have any sources related to this? I have been using Google (I don't have extensive resources) but have not had much luck finding anything. A professor is pretty adamant about it being true, but I'd like to see some literature on the topic and...
  20. mikie


    Perhaps a commission? 5.11 has some great pants (one model has a nylon duty belt included); typically i order from, fast shipping (especially if east coast!!) never had any problems with any model.