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  1. gillysaurus


    I just wanted to say that this thread has enlightened me a whole lot on why the "hells nah!" EMT-I camp thinks the way they do. I was very "EMT-I sounds great!" until I really got to read what both sides have to say. I just had to add, I always thought EMT-I would be an excellent course to...
  2. gillysaurus

    Omg dont touch me!

    ^ Hehehe. I was totally thinking that when I read "McFeely", too! I actually prefer it when patients place their hands/forearms on my knee. Like when I'm taking a blood pressure, it just seems more comfortable and kind for them to let them know they can rest their hands on my knee and relax...
  3. gillysaurus

    Stupidest on the job injury to you or your coworker.

    In my service, we have the Type III ambulances which are usually pretty accommodating to the taller folks who I work with. That is, until they get put in the rig with the parallel metal bars on the top (great for on the road stability for us smaller folks! :)). My partner, a wonderful woman who...
  4. gillysaurus

    What are we attracting to enter EMS?

    I think they should require, at the very least, college anatomy and physiology to enter Basic school. At most universities, getting into A&P also requires at least a semester of college biology and chemistry. I can see part of why they don't now. Almost a full year (or more) of science...
  5. gillysaurus

    Seizures in General

    One of my first calls ever as an EMT was a little girl (about 2 y/o) in status seizure. She seized for 27 minutes total before they were able to bring her out of it even for just a little bit, and that was long after we'd handed her off at the ED. She didn't respond to what seemed like half her...
  6. gillysaurus

    ABC's of being an EMT!

    Another one I heard in Basic class... EMT-B: Empty My Trash-(female dog) It's not the same when you can't type out the last word!
  7. gillysaurus

    Do you ever get used to the dead people?

    I knew you were going to say that, Rid! What I meant by "knowing it was going to happen" was knowing that people would die and I would see it. What I didn't know was how I was going to react. I think you hit it on the head, Oregon, with my creeped out feeling being about the idea of a dead...
  8. gillysaurus

    Do you ever get used to the dead people?

    Hey y'all. So I'm still a new EMT-Basic, fresh off the course August of this year. I just started interning with my county's ambulance company, and it seems like I'm always the cardiac arrest "charm". Whenever I'm on... BAM... Cardiac arrest! But it gets worse... I'm also the DNR "charm" or...
  9. gillysaurus

    Blood Glucose Testing Protocols/Standing Orders

    Just a side question... Can't giving glucose to a patient with a CVA be really bad? Can't remember where I heard that. I may be mistaken, would like some clarification ^_^
  10. gillysaurus

    Hey! From Denver....

    Hollah from Weld County! ^_^
  11. gillysaurus

    Hey! From Denver....

    Colorado EMT here, as well! Welcome to EMTLife, it's a great place!
  12. gillysaurus

    Recreational Drugs of Choice for Different Regions

    Meth is a HUGE problem in my county, if not the whole state. One of my first rides we had a suicide due to meth. There's a lot of meth-related violence in these parts, too. It's a sad drug that clearly affects a lot of people around here. A lot of the real meth heads have gotten very creative...
  13. gillysaurus

    EMS Club

    Hey all! I was thinking of starting an EMS club at my university. It's still just an idea, and I don't know if anything will come of it, but I wanted to ask this great EMS community a few questions. Hopefully someone out there has been in an EMS club or wants to give me some input. In a...
  14. gillysaurus

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Mine shut off around 74-76-ish... ... And I PASSED! :) I was so freaking nervous. To tell the truth, I have no idea whether or not I got the last question right. I've had very differing opinions!
  15. gillysaurus

    what do you do if you have downtime?

    In my short career as an EMT thus far, I've taken nicely to using downtime to do lots of homework or nap. Napping is my favorite :)
  16. gillysaurus

    Emt School

    ^ Same here. Below 75 was failing, could retake once and only get a 75, failed again and you were out. My instructors had a great way of discouraging FO-like behaviour. They were very strict, consistently reminded us that this class was like a job interview, and that rides were 110% a...
  17. gillysaurus

    What's your call volume?

    Just wondering what the call volumes are like around the US :) For the ambulance service I intern with, they respond to 12,000-13,000 a year. They serve a whole county, and it's a huge county at that! I rode along with a tiny fire department a few times, and they only get around 600 calls...
  18. gillysaurus


    I just finished getting my EMT-B, so I won't have the seasoned advice of some of the members on EMT Life, but I figured I could give you a student perspective :) 1)What is the difference between an EMT/EMS/Paramedic? Training, the ability to perform more invasive procedures, and the amount...
  19. gillysaurus

    Dispatchers Say the Darndest Things...

    These are absolutely hilarious! I've literally LOL'd many times reading this thread. (Un)fortunately, my county has a zero-tolerance policy for unnecessary radio traffic. The most exciting thing I've heard was a fire lieutenant request the ambulance pick up donuts on their way to a stand-by...
  20. gillysaurus

    What is FI?

    Lately, especially on my rides during class, I've been hearing a few EMTs talk about "FI". It's always in a, "hey, have you done FI yet?" or "You'll just go straight through FI" sort of way. I've been meaning to ask, but it always comes up in conversations I'm not a part of, and I don't want...