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  1. RESQ_5_1

    Oldest Pt.??

    So, likely some type of Asian descent?
  2. RESQ_5_1

    Rubberneckers, Lookie Loos, and other Civilian Interference Stories

    We actually had Provincial Rounds on Monday covering a call involving a Physician on scene. Bear in mind, our Rounds are conducted by Physicians. Until the provincial takeover of EMS, it was primarily conducted by our Medical Director. The Physician brought up the subject of Physicians on...
  3. RESQ_5_1

    Your experience being a PATIENT of EMS

    The only time I was treated by "EMS" was by the Army medics in Panama. We were returning to Base Camp in the back of a Pickup. I was riding at the tailgate when the truck burned out it's brakes on a hill and went into a ditch. I flew from the back of the truck and impacted headfirst into a large...
  4. RESQ_5_1

    Yanks and Aussies.

    While it's true that Americans tend to use Double negatives and don't seem to grasp the concept of "COULDN'T care less", at least we don't add letters to words that aren't there. IE: Alu-mi-ni-um. The word is spelled A-l-u-m-i-n-u-m. Other than that, I have a friend here in Canada from...
  5. RESQ_5_1

    Yanks and Aussies.

    Actually, it's just "Yanks". Not the entire "Yankees". And, it goes much farther back than the Civil War. Pretty much every nation that is part of the British Commonwealth refers to Americans as "Yanks" regardless of the region of the States they hail from. It stems from that rousing...
  6. RESQ_5_1

    ems pratical jokes

    I suppose the maturity and professioanlism don't really matter, do they? Generally, all I ever see on here about Basics is how they are only glorified First-Aiders (if that). I think it's a bit hypocritical to beat down the Basic level every day on here and then expect them to adhere to some...
  7. RESQ_5_1

    need advice

    I got my EMT-B in CA in 2000 when I was 32. I worked full-time as a security guard at the time. I'm not sure what the class is like now. I'm 42 now and find that Generally we have an advantage over people that are younger by way of our maturity and the fact that we will put in a maximum effort...
  8. RESQ_5_1

    Ex-Student sues over EMT course

    An Edmonton man is suing the Canadian College of Emergency Medical Services for $88,000, alleging the emergency medical technician course he took was not up to snuff and he was unjustly failed after unsuccessfully completing the ambulance practicum...
  9. RESQ_5_1

    I didn't know uniforms were so expensive!

    The uniforms I had to buy for EMT school practicum cost me a total of $600ish for 2 shirts and 2 pairs of pants. Alterations included. I have no idea what are new uniforms are costing. We are now Provincial Employees so everyone is getting new uniforms.
  10. RESQ_5_1

    EMS Tattoos

    Actually, the Caduceus (also known as the Staff of Mercury) was used as a printer's mark. It has nothing to do with the medical field. The symbol in the center of the Star Of Life is the Staff of Asclepius.
  11. RESQ_5_1

    sexual predator on staff

    I got my EMT-B cert in California in 2000. I was required to do a criminal background check for both my EMT-B cert and my class B license. At least I THINK it was a Class B. That was quite a while ago. In Alberta, I have had to undergo numerous background checks for various jobs I have had. I...
  12. RESQ_5_1

    Does your company have a policy against this?

    I actually gave a "Domicile Challenged" individual $20 once. We were right in fornt of McDonald's. If I give him money, it's no longer mine to decide what he does with it. I'd rather give him the $20 than have him hold up some old lady cuz it was that much longer since his last fix. There was a...
  13. RESQ_5_1

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    Yesterday one of our units was dispatched to a call. Dispatch went out something like this: Dispatch: GP 3-2. You are being dispatched for a _ y/o female. Concious, not breathing. Not sure how that works. Turns out pt was later reported to have agonal breathing after falling and hitting...
  14. RESQ_5_1

    Tattoos in ems

    The service I work for offered me a position based on my resume. They then requested an in-person interview. It was summer, and I was wearing short sleeves showing 2 of my tattoos (both forearms). The interview was conducted and I was offered a position based on my interview and my resume. As...
  15. RESQ_5_1

    Falsely advertising being a paramedic ?

    Some provinces use the terms: PCP, ACP, CCP. Primary Care Paramedic, Advanced Care Paramdic, and Critical Care Paramedic. Here in Alberta, we use EMR, EMT, and EMT-P (generally just refferred to as Paramedic). I am an Emergency Medical Technician. I am trying to get into school to earn my...
  16. RESQ_5_1

    48/96 Schedule

    We have quite a variety of shifts here. I currently work the peak shift which consists of Mon-Thurs from 0700 to 1730. Meanwhile, the other crew works 12 hours straight time, and 12 hours on call. During the Fri-Sun that I don't work, the crew that is on does 12 hours straight, and 12 hours...
  17. RESQ_5_1

    (RANT) Idiot drivers

    It's one thing to provide information that will be helpful to someone in later years, but it helps to at least put it in a tone and cadence that doesn't appear confrontational. I myself have many life experiences and wisdom to offer. I try to provide it with tact and courtesy. The advice you...
  18. RESQ_5_1

    (RANT) Idiot drivers

    I suoppose sympathy for someone's situation isn't practical in EMS. Sometimes you just need to know someone is on your side. I'm sure he'll get plenty of judgement in court. I'm glad that I was brought up to put myself in someone else's shoes before commenting on their situation.
  19. RESQ_5_1

    (RANT) Idiot drivers

    I'm just gonna put this out there for you Linuss....... What if, after your rant, someone had simply said: "I cant believe some people. I've had people make illegal lane changes in front of me soooooo many times. Hopefully, it's a learning experience to expect people to do the enexpected...
  20. RESQ_5_1

    Elderly Woman Dies After Ambulance Crashes

    80 y/o woman dies after Ambulance crashes in Northern Alberta