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  1. M


    I agree Tim. Older drivers just dont have the reaction time as a teenager.
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    From what I saw Brian was that the car was a toyota size car. I still cant figure out how 9 ppl fitted in there. They had to cut the roof off just to get to them and a memorial was made at the site of the accident for the 4 kids that died.
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    According to reports,some of the teens had been drinking,but they don't know how they got the booze. From what I heard she is still in the hospital in serious condition and is looking at 4 counts of negligent manslaughter charges,which carries a prison term of at least 20 years.
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    My first call

    I know its not fun mercy,but if i kept feeling the rush too long my partner would pretty much tell me that I need to be calm and slow down but its hard to when you got it running through your system,it replaces your blood.
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    Volunteer First Response Squad question

    When I first got my MFR license,and first ambulance job,my first assignment was doing standby at go-cart races,which was a 2 day thing so I worked both days. We got paid hourly by the service and brought our own refreshments.
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    Witness an Emergency: Do you stop?

    I dont think its right that he got those points for being a good samaritan,that is such bulls--t! I would of definitely told them where to stick those points!
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    Problem with Partner

    First of all,she was wrong for yelling at you in front of the other crew members,she should of done it in private where no one else was at and talked to you like a professional,and second of all,she shouldnt of thrown the paper with the vitals and SAMPLE on it,she was wrong for doing so,she was...
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    Witness an Emergency: Do you stop?

    When I was off duty,and I did pass an accident,I would stop and offer my assistance just cuz I think it is the right thing to do cuz it shows that you do care about people.
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    There was a bad accident early this morning over in Illinois where a car with 9,yes 9 kids in the car,was speeding cuz the driver of the car was drunk. 4 teenagers,ages 14,15,16,and 17,died in the accident. The driver of the car was 23 years old,the other kids were taken,either by ground or...
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    My first call

    That would be worse,I most likely wouldnt be able to stand the smell of rotting flesh or even burning flesh. I remember this one call that the service had before I came on board,it was for a body removal,and come to find out the body had been there for over a month so the crew had to have the...
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    Ticketed for rolling through a Stop Sign

    I dont blame you for wanting to vent on that lamont,I would do that as well,especially since it was bs reasons for the cop to cite you for rolling thru a stop sign,especially since there was no traffic,and you did have your blue light on. I would of fought the ticket.
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    Newbie here..

    Welcome aboard Josh
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    o2 Bottle Question

    your oxygen tank should be changed when it reaches 50 psi,cuz you never know what you are going to run into or how long you are gonna be on a scene and dont want to run out of oxygen when you are treating someone.
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    Where were you on 9/11

    It was a reply to a posting that summit put in. He was talkin about a reactor of some sort.
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    What made you want to be a Medical First Responder or EMT?

    I agree with you there chimpie,security officers should be trained in either mfr or at least basic first-aid and cpr so that way they can be doing something other than just standing there. One time I was filling out an application at the mall for a security job and I overheard a radio call-in...
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    Questions about gear

    Thats right,if you show up,show up prepared! When I was coming on duty I would always have my stethoscope layin out,and any other equipment that I might be using layin out on the table so I can grab it if we get a call before we r done getting dressed. A majority of the time though I wore...
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    Idle? Turn it off?

    I agree with that idea,they should do that but they dont,they keep the keys in the ambulance and fire apparatus,nothing has been stolen yet (crossing of the fingers).
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    Volunteer First Response Squad question

    That is true,cuz how many people do you know that would be willing to give up a couple days off to go and do standby at an event for free,knowing that they are not gonna get paid for it? We had to do a standby once in a neighboring township cuz the original service that was doing it had to go...
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    visiting patients?

    I did a follow-up on a patient once,only cuz she was a friend of mine and wanted to know if she had a boy or a girl. She had a lil girl that day.
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    Where were you on 9/11

    They should of at least put a couple officers there for security reasons,it was stupid that they didnt.