Where were you on 9/11

I know that feeling,I was in total disbelief and remembering the last time the WTC was a target for terrorists.
I was in 8th grade. Don't remember which class, but te teacher had us go into the multi-purpose room (small school, and we were the only class watching,maybe because we were hte oldest) and watch tv. I understood that planes had flown into the tower, but didn't know why. It is obvious now. Some of my inspiration to be in EMS comes from the FF's and EMT's and ground zero.
I bet the national guard still showed up, at least for a little while.

nope... although I argued that they should and that we should improve security... we didn't even get a campus policeman stationed there.
I was in my old office at 3:30 PM, drawing a project about an hydroelectric plant...

My friend told me "Oh! attacca la TV, si è schiantato un aereo sulle Twin Towers..." ("hei, turn on TV, a plane crashes on Twin Towers...)

We all stop work, very bad day...

But in the night I found a girl on MSN, we start chat about this event...

Now this girl is my wife :)
I was rolling out of bed in my dorm, turned on the TV around 8:30 (had a 10:30 class) And watched in shock and disbelief,being a NY native in the Boston area (Logan airport being the origin of one of the planes I believe) it hit really close to both of my homes. I lost an uncle (worked for Cantor FItzgerald, no one made it out from there) and a friend who was FDNY.
2 planes originated from Logan
I was in Saudi Arabia, working at a newly completed Air Force command and control facility. We always had CNN on the satellite feed, so we watched it in real time with the rest of the US. Needless to say, it was a very busy day over there for most of us. Many of us (me included) had friends in the Pentagon; it would be weeks before I would find out that a ringing phone had saved his life that day. I was finally able to get a phone line about 10pm that night to let my wife know I was OK, but it would be awhile before I talked to her again. Ironically, I had plane tickets to come on the 12th(!) of September, I finally made it back to the States just before Thanksgiving.
I was in Saudi Arabia, working at a newly completed Air Force command and control facility.
Considering one of Al Qeida's demands was the removal of all American military bases on Saudi soil, that was one dangerous place to be.
There were 2 planes that were involved with bring down the twin towers. 1 plane at 1 time then the other 1 hit a few minutes later.
They should of at least put a couple officers there for security reasons,it was stupid that they didnt.
They should of at least put a couple officers there for security reasons,it was stupid that they didnt.

Put securty guard where?
It was a reply to a posting that summit put in. He was talkin about a reactor of some sort.