Volunteer First Response Squad question


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I am Capt. of a new/restarted First Response squad. This is all volunteer and funded by the town and what ever donations we receive. I have recently been approached about having the squad standing by, on location, for an event. I have been told that other first response squads charge a fee or donation for standing by on scene for events. Does any one know if this is true and what would be a fair fee/donation for an all day event?
I wouldn't even question it if this were a charity event, but this is an event for profit.

Thanks for your input,

what are you bringing to the event? How big is it? Post some info on the event and your response to it.
what are you bringing to the event? How big is it? Post some info on the event and your response to it.

The event is a cross country snowshoe race through some pretty rough terrain. Basically, we would be bringing our rig to a location and moving to a couple different locations through out the day. No real specialized equipment, just a couple volunteers being on scene all day. I also think we may need a snowmobile and sled on standby. Our bugdet from the town is not much money at all and it would be good to get a little extra for our education-recert fund. The company that is putting this race on will be requesting us a few times a year for different events. If they are going to count on us being there, I don't think asking a fee is out of line. Naturally, they could always call 911 and we would respond. Asking a couple volunteers to give up their day so that a company can profit from it, just doesn't settle right with me. I think if they knew the squad was getting funds for recerts or better equipment would make it an easier pill to swallow.

Asking a couple volunteers to give up their day so that a company can profit from it, just doesn't settle right with me. I think if they knew the squad was getting funds for recerts or better equipment would make it an easier pill to swallow.
You nailed it right there. Our Red Cross chapter does First Aid stations staffed by volunteers and we get paid. Depending on the event (size) we may have a tent, a golf cart, our 20' trailer, a couple of vehicles, etc.

Recouping costs (gas, rentals, first aid equipment) and a little extra for future equipment purchases is nothing to be ashamed about. It's business.

I believe we charged between $300 - $500 a day to be at an event.
You may want to ask for a donation of money or equipment. Depending on how your Squad is set up if you charge for the event you may have a tax liability. If you pay your crew you may have a FLSA liability.

Personally I would ask if they would be willing to donate some equipment.
The red cross unit im with use to do first-aid stations but we got out of it due to liability issues.
I agree with fyrdog,instead of asking for donations of money,should ask for equipment.
I know that some departments do bill for standbys at special events,it just depends how long the crew is gonna be at the event,cuz then you can bill them for the time there.
there is nothing wrong with charging for expenses incurred and a little extra for future equipment.
That is true,cuz how many people do you know that would be willing to give up a couple days off to go and do standby at an event for free,knowing that they are not gonna get paid for it?
We had to do a standby once in a neighboring township cuz the original service that was doing it had to go out of service due to personnel shortage. Thank god for having good working relationships with neighboring agencies,lol.
Thanks for all the replies. I think I am doing the right thing by charging a fee. I wouldn't mind asking for donated equipment but right now the only thing we really need is a vehicle so my thoughts are to put the funds into an account with a specific purpose such as training. This way the volunteers can at least have it come back to them in some form. This also frees up some funds that we can put toward a vehicle in the future. I need to give this more thought but you guys have reinforced my feelings about charging for the service.
Thanks to all who responded.

Hi Darkhorse! If there is a particular piece of equipment, training or live, making up a poster board of the object and explain what it can do to benefit the community, that is always a good "heart string" to get the public involved.
Good advice about getting a account started for such "donations" keeps everything in check. Hope this also helps! :)
I work events for a for-profit company, but I'm not sure what they charge.

In my area, we have occasional "single-EMT" standbys for small events... like a local gymnastics tortament... usually the Vollie EMT's wear company uniforms and use company BLS gear, but get paid 10 or 15 bucks an hour under the table by the person in charge of the event.

Our ambulance company puts a standby truck up for many events... some of them are benifit races for different charities, so we don't always charge for them... if it is something else, though, we often charge or look for a donation.
My volunteer agency will put an ambulance on standyby at an event on two conditions:
1) If another call comes in, we're responding to it.
2) Make it worth our while somehow. That can be in the form of a cash donation, lots of free food, free tickets to the event, etc.
When I first got my MFR license,and first ambulance job,my first assignment was doing standby at go-cart races,which was a 2 day thing so I worked both days. We got paid hourly by the service and brought our own refreshments.
I've always thought that units, either volunteer or full time, should be compensated for their time. Our squad always attends the football games, volleyball games, festivals, etc, etc, etc in our area for free. I always thought we were kinda getting screwed. Our chief's justification is that it's 'good PR.' While I might agree with that if we were a new department but we've been around for almost 30 years now. I think we're past the point of 'good PR.' Especially since we've had to tighten our purse strings over the last couple years due to an accountant who was mishandling our finances.
Yeah, but good PR don't get the supplies bought! We have that same problem at the college. What makes me crazy:wacko: The folks that have the bigger events and LARGE pocketbooks give if anything the least,and the smaller events try to give the most. Well nobody said we would get rich doing this job, sigh...... Now where did I put those winning lottery numbers.........^_^
I've always thought that units, either volunteer or full time, should be compensated for their time. Our squad always attends the football games, volleyball games, festivals, etc, etc, etc in our area for free. I always thought we were kinda getting screwed. Our chief's justification is that it's 'good PR.' While I might agree with that if we were a new department but we've been around for almost 30 years now. I think we're past the point of 'good PR.' Especially since we've had to tighten our purse strings over the last couple years due to an accountant who was mishandling our finances.
Now is this an extra squad that is being paid to be there? Or is it one that is already on the streets and is just staging there until a call comes out, either at the event or elsewhere?
We used to cover all sporting events for free, then it started being taxing on the crews and making sure that all events are covered and still be able to respond on calls.

Then we started charging a flat fee... then we were not requested as much. Many of local communities would allow the F.D. to cover with a 1'st responder and then notify us if transport or severe injury occurred.

I do not remember the last time we covered a community sporting event, we are too busy to pull a unit out.

R/r 911
If you are a county or civic funded agency, you have to be really careful with this sort of thing. In our state there are regulations regarding 'the use of taxpayer supported resources by non-taxpayers' In english, that means if one group is paying for the stuff, anyone else who uses it needs to reimburse the taxpayers for what they used. The rates are set by the state. Best to check with the treasurer of your board of commissioners on it before you get the district into legal issues.

That said, there is nothing that stops personnel, who volunteer to one agency from also volunteering their expertise to another agency. Around here we have downhill bike races, marathons, rodeos and car races for trauma experiences and also lots of local fairs and get togethers that are a bit more social in nature. We generally deal with this by asking for volunteers who want to attend the event for free. Most places will give the volunteer a tip that ranges from $100 to a free meal and a heartfelt 'thank you'. We usually show up with just our personal med kit. If there's an incident, we call dispatch and have them tone out a unit from which ever agency would be normally responding. If it's a community based event, we bring a rig and do stand-by. If it's sponsored by a for-profit company outside of the district, they negotiate with our board secretary/treasurer on a fee for stand-by equipment if they need it.
No one likes to work for free,I dont,the only time I feel i am doing a good deed for free is when im doing something that is red cross related,like being called out to assist at an apartment building fire,that makes me feel good.