Questions about gear


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Hi Everyone!! I just recently started EMT-Basic school and am in search of gear...BDU's, Stethoscopes, etc. I've spent the last few hours readin gseveral of the threads, gleaning information. My main question at the moment is: I'm a girl :P and I am looking for BDU or EMT pants that fit "curvy" women. I have a little waist and larger hips and I hate when clothes don't fit right. I tried on a pair of mens Propper BDUs yesterday:wacko: Hopefully you guys can help and I'll find something better.

Thanks in advance!
All I can say is that I think you should call Aspen Mills in Minneapolis, MN.

Check out their website and look under "sizing."

I have several pairs of pants from them and they've been great. They haven't faded in the wash and I haven't managed to tear them yet like I did with another cheap pair. These pants are also fairly well priced, and the people there are pretty cool.

As for the rest of the stuff? Check eBay. Seriously. You can find a lot of great stuff on eBay.
Unless, you are a student or volunteer most services have required uniforms and sometimes uniform allowance to purchase specific brands, so you might want to save your money.

I do agree Aspen Mills pants are great, we have used them for about 25 years and have never had problems with them. They are a little more pricier though... good luck.

R/r 911
thin waist, big hips and interested in ems..... will you marry me???

galls has some pants that are womans pants. being of the male persuasion, i havent the foggiest idea how they fit but you might try there...

also search thread about what gear to buy and carry. i know when you start out you want to go buy everything galls sells but it is mostly unnecessary and will make you look foolish.
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Thanks for all of your helpful hints! I have surfed through most of the threads about gear and a lot of the other stuff too. I am seeing that most newbies try to buy everything under the sun and won't use most of it. At the moment, I am only looking for things required by my course...stethoscope, pen light, bandage scissors, boots, and BDU/uniform pants. If you have any other tips on gear, please let me know:)
scopes: imho, littmann makes the best scopes kn own to man. apparently they think so too. hence the hefty price tag. buy a decent mid range scope and gurad it with your life. the little tags are worthless. the screen printed names are worthless. the only thing that works is the laser engraved name on the bell. also, a good suggestion is to go to the manufacturors web site, print off the page describing the model scope you bought. write the serial number from your new scope on the page with date. file. if it gets stolen by someone you work with(and it will), and you find out who has it, you can take that sheet to your supervisor/house captain and have something a little more substantial than "i just KNOW thast my scope"

shears: theyre all the same(unless you want ones with more features than cutting). buy a color you like. expect to lose them about as fast as you can buy them(this may be just me, but ive left more shears on scene then i can rememver)

boots: until your very comfortable about how public safety boots run as far as sizes, try before you buy. shy away from catalog purchases until your comfort level is up there

pants: ditto has pants just for woman I believe.

oh my god! this reply is like so three responses ago. like for real...(done in a valley girl accent(think alicia silverstone in clueless))
Hi Guys.

Pants found, went with Galls. Boots found. Littmann Steth ordered. Now If I can just make it through the Basic course, I'll be doing okay;0)

Thanks again for all of your helpful suggestions!

Hi Guys.

Pants found, went with Galls. Boots found. Littmann Steth ordered. Now If I can just make it through the Basic course, I'll be doing okay;0)

Thanks again for all of your helpful suggestions!


I feel like I'm repeating myself everytime someone says this... you will do great in your course, just make sure you are confident in yourself.

Good Luck, and welcome! ^_^
I have every confidence in myself. I know that I can do this, as long as I'm trained and taught the skills. Maybe that's just me. Basically I'm a little disappointed in the skills portion of the course. It's an interesting situation and I'm having a chat with my instructor Thursday.

Thanks for your encouragement!
Don't know how I missed this the first time around. Oh well, it happens.

Your course requires you to buy all that stuff? Seems kinda odd to me. My basic course RECOMENDED the purchase of a stethescope and that was it. Even if you couldn't afford one, or just plain didn't, it wasn't required. Now I DID take the volunteer FIRE class (36 hour) and they did require us to buy t-shirts that we were suppossed to wear to class but it was included in the tuition / class price and ordered through the school. Even then they never got delivered until the last day of class so we all just ended up wearing our own jeans, t-shirts, etc.
Hope you have better luck with Galls pants than I did. All three pairs blew the zipper out and Galls woudn't replace them or offer me a refund. Aspen Mills rocks and I would never buy another pair anywhere else.

Boots? I bought Walmart's duty boots. They fit well and the price was right.

Scissors and stuff? My steth is a Sprague which hasn't failed me yet (I've had it for 15 years at least). I haven't felt the need to buy anything pricey. Be careful with your Litt. They like to grow legs and walk.

I travel light and don't carry much with me. As stated before me, most of the stuff you just don't need and a person looks like a goof when they carry so much to begin with.
Best places to find BDUs is at a uniform supply store,I believe you can also find the other equipment you need at that store too. If you buy pants make sure to keep the receipt,cuz I do believe you can get reimbursed for uniform purchases.

Your course requires you to buy all that stuff? Seems kinda odd to me. My basic course RECOMENDED the purchase of a stethescope and that was it. Even if you couldn't afford one, or just plain didn't, it wasn't required. Now I DID take the volunteer FIRE class (36 hour) and they did require us to buy t-shirts that we were suppossed to wear to class but it was included in the tuition / class price and ordered through the school. Even then they never got delivered until the last day of class so we all just ended up wearing our own jeans, t-shirts, etc.

As education director, our policy is simple; If they don't arrive in complete uniform (uniform shirt, patch, pants, boots) stethoscope.. I send them home with a failure for that clinical. I don't care if it is basic to CCP. We have the same policy for in hospital as well (unless it is a special clinical-O.R.,O.B, etc..)

One would not come to work ill prepared, and clinicals are to represent the field work and education part. Remember, you are representing yourself, the school and the EMS when you are doing clinicals.

R/r 911
Thats right,if you show up,show up prepared! When I was coming on duty I would always have my stethoscope layin out,and any other equipment that I might be using layin out on the table so I can grab it if we get a call before we r done getting dressed. A majority of the time though I wore public safety t-shirts as my uniform since the service was volunteer,or I wore a polo shirt with a star of life emblem on the left breast,or I would wear my uniform shirt.