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  1. karaya

    Who is in charge?

    NIMS is designed for all situations so your little MVA would be just as applicable for NIMS as a large structure fire, MCI, etc. You folks there need to get on board with this (including law enforcement) and get yourselves properly in compliance with NIMS. State levels were required to be...
  2. karaya

    Who is in charge?

    Yes; or better yet, they all should be up to speed on NIMS. I agree with BStone on this. There should not be an issue as to who "owns" or controls a scene whether its an MVA or a large disaster as long as NIMS is followed.
  3. karaya

    Wish me luck, I am going to need it...

    And I have one word: Outstanding!
  4. karaya

    What light do you carry on your belt?

    I carry an el-cheapo Mini Mag-Lite. A little 2 cell AA battery job that is attached to my belt in a Velcro pouch. I usually use it to see the settings on my cameras at night. But, I'm stunned how many medics that I ride with that do not carry a light! Many times I've been on scene in a...
  5. karaya

    Evidence Based Practice...Not that great

    Well, one comment is certainly not everyone now is it? I'm getting articles confused with your above statement. I think you are referring to the article that the JEMS article is referring to and not Dr. Wesley's JEMS article?
  6. karaya

    Just signed up...

    This is one topic I agree with you 100%! You statement above clearly identifies an increasing problem with HEMS and to my astonishment seems to still fall on deaf ears in the industry. Very well stated!
  7. karaya

    Evidence Based Practice...Not that great

    Did you actually read any of the 5 comments on the JEMS web site? I can't find one comment that tears apart the article. All seem to bring up the debate as to delays on trauma scenes by starting IV's, but none introduce any controversy to the article itself.
  8. karaya

    Video shows horseplay in EMT Lakewood EMS vehicle

    And the hits just keep on rolling... :glare:
  9. karaya

    A Hardy Thank You to Nursing Home Nurses

    Did you have some sort of a "experience" with a nursing home to prompt this thread? I'm not quite following you.
  10. karaya

    DNR Identification

    There's no law or rule about using names on the Internet, Eileen. Purely optional if a poster uses a name or not. As you can see with my signature, I have no problem using my name. I think you have a plausible idea here that looks to of benefit for patients and medics. I'm interested to see if...
  11. karaya

    Happy Birthday Airwaygoddess!!!

    Happy Birthday Anna! When's the spanking?
  12. karaya

    Article Section?

    Has this really been a problem here? How about changing it to News and Articles?
  13. karaya

    EMS Magazine Article on the Recent shootings

    Out of the thousands of photographs we have on file, I don't believe we have one single image of a CPR face shield. I've never had a request for one from any of my publishers either. Hell, I'm not sure what one looks like!
  14. karaya

    Ford Says Bye-Bye to Diesel in 2010

    That's my understanding. Only E-Series is impacted so far.
  15. karaya

    Ford Says Bye-Bye to Diesel in 2010

    Ford will not offer a diesel in their 2010 ambulance prep package. Here is the story from
  16. karaya

    EMS Magazine Article on the Recent shootings

    A CPR face shield??
  17. karaya

    Expose/don't expose? That is the question.

    Hear, hear!!
  18. karaya

    Universal health care peaking round the corner again

    Tsk, tsk. Too bad... your 4th Reich remark just invoked Godwin's law. You loose on this one.
  19. karaya

    Just signed up...

    Hey that's great. You should get some interesting observation time!
  20. karaya

    The Disappearing ET

    Com' on D! I know you have it in you! You're not reading the article carefully. What you are referring to is the second sentence in the quote from the 2006 Australian study about Australian EMS using ETIs and is not Dr. Bledsoe's assessment. Watch for the end quotes and you'll see what I mean.