Search results

  1. karaya

    911 calls released to public?

    You all need to pay more attention to your state's open record laws. As I stated in my earlier post, identifying information such as when someone is reporting a crime is removed in most states. Other's omit juvenile information and some omit all caller identification entirely.
  2. karaya

    911 calls released to public?

    Wrong. In most states, 911 tapes are in fact public record; part of the state's open record laws including Texas. However, many have safeguards in place to protect information such as the identification of a juvenile, identification of a person reporting a crime whereby they could be subject...
  3. karaya

    Another Show About Paramedics: The Listener

    Com' on! You don't know Dr. Strangelove? Peter Sellers is the actor portraying Strangelove.
  4. karaya

    Another Show About Paramedics: The Listener

    SUCKS is a good description. The first five minutes had me retching. Terrible script and way, way over the top hammy performances.
  5. karaya

    Trade Publications, Magazines, Catalogs

    JEMS is Journal of Emergency Medical Services. A different publication from Journal of Emergency Medicine.
  6. karaya

    Ambulance Vouyerism?

    You have all the makings for an EMS Paparazzi. See me for an application! :rolleyes:
  7. karaya

    Trooper vs. Paramedic

    Let's look at this logically from the DA's point of view to consider bringing charges against the paramedic. It is questionable that the highway patrolman was using his siren. Jury could side with the medics that they didn't pull over since they never saw the highway patrol car (until it was...
  8. karaya

    book change in the middle of the course.

    What is the acronym definition for AOSS?
  9. karaya

    EMS hits

    Literary evidence that EMS is rife with morons.
  10. karaya

    Obese Woman Dragged From Home, Hauled Away After Death

    I've experienced this myself several years ago. Consider this to get a better understanding what the FD is dealing with. Take a full size double-door refrigerator and lay it down on the floor on its back. Now try to maneuver the refrigerator out a door, around corners, down halls, etc. and you...
  11. karaya

    Passed my paramedic exam!!!

    Yes, congratulations!
  12. karaya

    What kind of belt do you wear?

    $17.95 at Target works well for me!
  13. karaya

    Memorial Day Rant

    Good post and good points. Nothing more to add.
  14. karaya

    Enjoynz stepping down from Chat Host

    I hope all goes well with your family, Joy. Look forward to chatting with you when you return!
  15. karaya

    New Chat Host

    Congrats and good luck!
  16. karaya

    Octo-mom Birth video

    Absolutely made my day!!
  17. karaya


    Tru-Spec or 5.11 for me.
  18. karaya

    Using EMS education as a stepping stone?

    Spoken from years of experience?
  19. karaya

    Opinions please

    The EMS (the first example) logo might look a little better if we could see just a little more of the staff and serpent. Just a little so the Star of Life doesn't get completely obscured to a point one has to look twice. They all look very good!
  20. karaya

    EMS and taking pictures of incidents...

    Think so?? Here is one EMT who lost his job and there was never a patient in the photo!! EMS providers need to establish very clear policies that govern the taking of any scene photos. Without it... don't take it...