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  1. karaya

    What a bunch of crap!!

    Firefighters will no longer respond to calls whereby the patient is experiencing flu like symptoms. Here's the story:
  2. karaya

    Group Warns CPR Performance Is Still Poor

    Interesting article from JEMS online:
  3. karaya

    Backboard or not?

    This is a back-boarding thread in regard to a gunshot patient. Let's not turn this one into another 200 something thread full of dribble about guns.
  4. karaya

    Physicians' Impression of Pre-Hospital Pain Management

    Here is a good article about Fentanyl and I thought this line from the article punctuates the OPs issue about ED docs arguing that their assessment his hindered by the use of Fentanyl. "Also, its short duration of action would appear to be ideal for agencies that still have difficulty with...
  5. karaya

    Nursing Home 911

    Respected by whom? What people, departments or whatever are you experiencing this lack of respect from?
  6. karaya

    3 Dead in Nevada Medevac Crash

    Here is what is known so far:
  7. karaya

    Better c-spine?

    Not God as much as that is how you were taught. The fact is that for now at least, c-spine immobilization is the current standard of care. Exception of course to EMS providers that have adopted c-spine clearance protocols. None of my publishers (Elsevier Mosby, Prentice Hall Brady, Jones and...
  8. karaya

    fire and ems departments

    Missouri also has 'Ambulance Districts'. Public funded EMS and you will find one in just about every county. For bigger bucks, get your medic license and look at some of the districts that surround St. Louis. Several are IAFF shops and one in particular (also the largest ambulance district in...
  9. karaya

    EMS Agenda for the Future

    Sorry, I should have been a bit more specific. As far at the community colleges go, I'm not sure if he stated this to me based on accreditation issues or more in line with the program changes itself, particularly since demonstration of competency will be required for the student to pass. I'll...
  10. karaya

    EMS Agenda for the Future

    It's good to see others here identify and acknowledge the numerous changes to EMS education, standards that is now on the horizon. I agree with Hal that many are going to get caught off guard with the changes. A major change will be the required program accreditation with CoAEMSP by 2013. I have...
  11. karaya

    Spinal Precautions

    Well, maybe that is the Australian way. But the last dozen or so EMS books that I've worked on do not support your concept; at least at this time they don't. The issue here in the States is that back-boarding after extrication and leaving the backboard on the patient is the current standard of...
  12. karaya

    NBC's 'Trauma' given a DNR

    No real surprise here.
  13. karaya

    Self Defense for EMS

    Yawn. This is still going on?
  14. karaya

    is a broken arm an ALS or BLS call?

    Excellent points!
  15. karaya

    is a broken arm an ALS or BLS call?

    You seem to contradict yourself. In one thread you responded to call in ALS, "Fracture can be very painful and uncomfortable. No point in making them suffer." And yet, here you state let the patient suffer.
  16. karaya

    is a broken arm an ALS or BLS call?

    Why? Do you believe all of your patients are drug seekers?
  17. karaya

    is a broken arm an ALS or BLS call?

    JPINFV is right on about pain management pre-hospital. Even if you wait a few minutes for ALS, that is a few minutes earlier that the patient will begin to feel the effects of the pain management drug. You experiencing medics not giving any pain management to 10/10 patients is a tremendous...
  18. karaya

    is a broken arm an ALS or BLS call?

    Side stepping pain management is an issue that is a constant problem in EMS. Fentanyl is an excellent choice for pain management with it's rapid onset and it does not impact the patient's hemodynamics, GCS or SpO2.
  19. karaya

    transporting drunk people

    I'm not at all offended by your poll or it's topic. I just thought you could be a bit more objective with your query. More specifics about the patient. Your post leaves a lot of room for opinion and little for facts since the question itself presents no facts about the patient other than he or...
  20. karaya

    transporting drunk people

    I wish your question was a bit more objective. These subjective threads that pertain to ALS and BLS do nothing but fester ALS vs. BLS feuds. Just like Paid vs. Volly. Something that is growing tiresome on EMTLife from my perspective. Anyhow, I'm not trying to piss on your poll, just...