EMS Agenda for the Future


Forum Asst. Chief
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Yes. Many people, especially in some stagnant areas, are not ready for some of the proposed changes. Please also read this:

I know many volunteer "instructors" who have no background in collegiate-level sciences who, unfortunately, are going to be caught completely unaware at the new changes in the national standard curricula. In order to move forward, the chaff must be removed from the sheaves at some point.
Yes. Many people, especially in some stagnant areas, are not ready for some of the proposed changes. Please also read this:

I know many volunteer "instructors" who have no background in collegiate-level sciences who, unfortunately, are going to be caught completely unaware at the new changes in the national standard curricula. In order to move forward, the chaff must be removed from the sheaves at some point.

It's good to see others here identify and acknowledge the numerous changes to EMS education, standards that is now on the horizon. I agree with Hal that many are going to get caught off guard with the changes. A major change will be the required program accreditation with CoAEMSP by 2013. I have contacts who are on the committees that drafted these changes and they say this is the beginning of the end for many medic mills. Even some community colleges are already considering dropping their programs due to the upcoming changes.

As we get closer to deadlines, I think more on these topics will surface within the EMS community.
Even some community colleges are already considering dropping their programs due to the upcoming changes.

What community colleges did not meet CAAHEP accreditation for also becoming CoAEMSP? It would be a real stretch for one not to meet these minimum standards. Is the Paramedic program the only thing the college teaches?

If some will do a search with RidRyder911's name, you will find he has started threads and discussed this numerous times throughout this year. It is also a shame that the moderators of this forum did not feel any of Rid's threads on the upcoming changes deserved a sticky. Unfortunately education, except for those against it, is not always a popular topic.
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What community colleges did not meet CAAHEP accreditation for also becoming CoAEMSP? It would be a real stretch for one not to meet these minimum standards. Is the Paramedic program the only thing the college teaches?

If some will do a search with RidRyder911's name, you will find he has started threads and discussed this numerous times throughout this year. It is also a shame that the moderators of this forum did not feel any of Rid's threads on the upcoming changes deserved a sticky. Unfortunately education, except for those against it, is not always a popular topic.

Sorry, I should have been a bit more specific. As far at the community colleges go, I'm not sure if he stated this to me based on accreditation issues or more in line with the program changes itself, particularly since demonstration of competency will be required for the student to pass. I'll contact my contact again and press this a little further. He is an educator himself and sits on the committee that drafted the new standards. Actually, several members of those committees are close acquaintances of mine.

I think too you make a good point about Rids previous posts on this very subject. However, I don't think this particular web forum will ever been tuned into to this issue since its base is mostly young and inexperienced EMT's and very few top tier EMS professionals. My statement is not meant to berate EMTLife, but just stating what appears to be fact from my observation of threads and some of the polls. Thread subjects about what we wear, carrying guns and television shows seem to attract a better community turn out than the subject we are discussing here.
If some will do a search with RidRyder911's name, you will find he has started threads and discussed this numerous times throughout this year. It is also a shame that the moderators of this forum did not feel any of Rid's threads on the upcoming changes deserved a sticky. Unfortunately education, except for those against it, is not always a popular topic.


That's the sort of thinking we need to advance pre-hospital healthcare.
I think too you make a good point about Rids previous posts on this very subject. However, I don't think this particular web forum will ever been tuned into to this issue since its base is mostly young and inexperienced EMT's and very few top tier EMS professionals. My statement is not meant to berate EMTLife, but just stating what appears to be fact from my observation of threads and some of the polls. Thread subjects about what we wear, carrying guns and television shows seem to attract a better community turn out than the subject we are discussing here.

All EMTs should be keeping up-to-date on these changes, and especially ones that are in less active or less caring systems. Our volunteer members should also be pushing within their own organizations to make sure that the people or institutions providing their education and training have adequate knowledge. It is very important that one not simply become a static object.
Here are some easy links.

I'm going to post some interesting links which are easy and quick to look at.

A nice chart with the timeline for changes:

Implementing the National EMS Education Agenda-Facebook Group by the National Association of State EMS Officials. (NASEMSO)

The Final Education Agenda

The Scope of Practice Mode. It has some excellent information and is incredibly well laid out:

NASEMSO website:


I'll probably post more later!