Recent content by Tx1Nguyen

  1. Tx1Nguyen


  2. Tx1Nguyen


    For me I find it easier to keep up with my CEs through the NREMT then trying to keep up with my states CEs. So I plan on keeping my national.
  3. Tx1Nguyen

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Went the full #150 Passed
  4. Tx1Nguyen

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    I failed . Made a 940.
  5. Tx1Nguyen

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Took the new Paramedic Exam today. Minimum is now 110. Stopped at 138. Pending results
  6. Tx1Nguyen

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    81 questions passed
  7. Tx1Nguyen

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Stopped at 115 took NREMT B an hour ago... Nervous about it
  8. Tx1Nguyen

    Hello Sir, Aside from the classroom textbook. Are there any other study guide/practice exams you...

    Hello Sir, Aside from the classroom textbook. Are there any other study guide/practice exams you can recommend for NREMT-B?
  9. Tx1Nguyen

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    Not in EMS, but when I was working armed security. My partner was watching porn unaware that he was keyed up. Safe to say that was his last night with the company.
  10. Tx1Nguyen

    LFW: DFW or Houston area 911 EMTB?

    I know MedStar does 911, and I'm pretty certain AMR Farmers Branch does 911 as well
  11. Tx1Nguyen

    so i've read. I'll probably look at joining the fire academy in the near future. Hopefully get...

    so i've read. I'll probably look at joining the fire academy in the near future. Hopefully get hired on to a FD somewhere.
  12. Tx1Nguyen

    I live in Dallas, not sure if I'd want to make the drive out to Longview haha. It's not as easy...

    I live in Dallas, not sure if I'd want to make the drive out to Longview haha. It's not as easy for me to uproot and go. I have a wife and son as well. But I was looking into MedStar or AMR Farmers Branch, but AMR has a pretty crappy pay scale.
  13. Tx1Nguyen


  14. Tx1Nguyen

    Hey! So I'm looking at obtaining my EMT-B in August, you know if MedStar FW is a good company to...

    Hey! So I'm looking at obtaining my EMT-B in August, you know if MedStar FW is a good company to try with or should I look at a smaller company.