Recent content by Themyst

  1. T

    Failed Practical

    Congratulations! :) I was really nervous when I did mine, too. I think I actually had a panic attack during the time I stood there waiting for my turn to take the practical. After the first station though, the rest was a breeze.
  2. T

    EMT-B Training:Ride-a-longs - what to expect?

    It was a very slow day during my ride along hours. I took the time to familiarize myself with the ambulance, assisted with the daily supply check, and went through all the compartments and bags. We had no calls, but at the very least I familiarized myself with the EMS career path. I got my...
  3. T

    For those who've done it as a career change

    I was a housewife and decided I wanted to get out and do something. I can't even say why EMS interested me, it just did. I'm almost done with my EMT-B school (117 hours + 10 hour ER clinical + 8 hour ambulance clinical). It was a three and a half month class. I had to do a lot of studying since...
  4. T


    lol - I'm so new at this, I'm just nervous I'll make a mistake and whack some poor guy in the teeth with the swinging bell. I'm still a little pensive about all the tubing you work with just taking blood pressures - the cuff, and then the hanging stethoscope. One thing that struck me as funny in...
  5. T


    Well, for anyone wondering with fervid anticipation, I chose the Littmann Classic II SE. It seems to be a very popular model and the members who posted about it seem sufficiently satisfied. As far as the Master Classic II is concerned, I didn't find much info on it, however, the info I did...
  6. T


    This is helpful. I'm undecided between the Littman Classic II SE and the Littman Master Classic II. I did my clinical yesterday at the ER. I had borrowed my student stethoscope to use. For about five hours, I felt like a failure because I had difficulty hearing and couldn't find the pulse...
  7. T


    Surely your teacher gave you some skill sheets to practice with? Immobilization Skills: Long Bone Injury 1. Takes or verbalizes BSI precautions 2. Directs application of manual stabilization of the injury 3. Assesses motor, sensory, and circulatory function in the injured extremity 4...
  8. T

    EMT-B says "I'm a medic"

    Well, three months ago, I was just your average person with zero medical knowledge (geez - I didn't even know what a 'sucking chest wound' was). And then, I thought a 'medic' was just about anyone who hopped out of that ambulance. That's probably what most people think.
  9. T

    EMS Student

    Thanks, firetender. I'm pretty psyched about the EMT-B for now. I'm hoping that won't change when I do get out in the field. I have a really great enthusiastic teacher who has taught me well so far.
  10. T

    EMS Student

    Not at all. This is just a stepping stone to paramedic for me. :) The EMT-B experience will be great along the way.
  11. T

    EMS Student

    Well thanks for confirming how useless I will be anyway ... <_< But I understand what you are saying. I will basically be an observer during my clinicals. Thanks. This forum has a lot of great info and stories of experience and I am really liking it. :)
  12. T

    Do you pack heat?

    Well, I also have a Kel Tec PLR16. Maybe that one ... I've had this conversation on other forums with people (mostly from other countries whose governments don't allow them firearm protection) and everyone wants to claim how 'safe' certain areas are. I just don't see it that way. I don't...
  13. T

    Do you pack heat?

    I do also have an ankle holster. I only mentioned my setups of choice. Good point.
  14. T

    Do you pack heat?

    I have my concealed carry license. I'm pretty active about going to the range for practice, etc. I'm a woman and I wear my .38 LCR in a concealed belly band (no one would suspect it, heh, as it should be), and on occasion I'll wear my SR9 iwb mob. I love it, I feel naked without a gun. That...
  15. T

    EMS Student

    I've been taking EMT-B classes and my clinicals will start in a couple of weeks. I've done pretty good on my tests (about a 94 average) but must say that I am scared to death when it comes to putting all of this in practice with experienced people. I guess I'm looking for some experiences...