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  1. P

    Small battery backups

    Keep equipment from re-booting during engine start
  2. P

    Patient Friendly Jokes

    Got a call last night. A woman collapsed on the airport luggage carousel. She came slowly around.
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    Patient Friendly Jokes

    I ate a kid's meal at McDonalds. The mother got really mad.
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    Patient Friendly Jokes

    I was going to draw your blood, but I forgot my red crayon.
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    Patient Friendly Jokes

    Was Dr Pepper the first fizzician?
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    Patient Friendly Jokes

    I invented a mind-control air freshener. It make scents when you think about it.
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    Patient Friendly Jokes

    A couple was getting a little frisky behind the wheel of an Altima on a slick street, lost control and went slightly off the road, hit a tree with the front end and needed to call an ambulance and roadside assistance. A classic case of Head, Shoulder, Nissan Tows, Ice, ERs, Mouth and Nose.
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    Patient Friendly Jokes

    5 year old: "Mom, can I sleep with jumper cables under my pillow?" Mom: "OK, but you have to promise not to start anything."
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    Patient Friendly Jokes

    Everything in product development these days is about connectivity. One company just came out with a new silent smoke alarm. When it detects smoke it sends you a text, tweets your friends, and posts a picture of the fire on facebook.
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    Patient Friendly Jokes

    We had our paramedics work in HR for a week to encourage better teamwork. They immediately sent out an employment ad that read "Supermodels wanted, (must know CPR.)."
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    Patient Friendly Jokes

    New invention. A hybrid surgical robot. You start its engine and it operates on batteries.
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    Patient Friendly Jokes

    Dentist: When was the last time you flossed? Pt: Dude--you were there!
  13. P

    Patient Friendly Jokes

    I visited a diabetes web site. The first thing they asked me is "would I accept cookies?" I thought that was kind of cruel.
  14. P

    Patient Friendly Jokes

    My grandfather used to say "when one door closes another door opens." It wasn't because he was an optimist, he just drove a rickety ambulance.