Recent content by Lizadizzle

  1. Lizadizzle

    AMR buying out EMSA

    I haven't heard too many details trickle in on this subject, but I chalk that up to it being summer and me being away from the school rumor mill. Anyone else heard about this? I heard it from a buddy of mine going through the academy. It's definitely happening, I just was wondering if anyone...
  2. Lizadizzle

    Illinois thoughts

    Dang, good to know! I'll tell her to stick to RN. Personally, I think she'd be better off as an RN not only in pay but in the whole happy with her job thing. Thanks for the info!
  3. Lizadizzle

    Illinois thoughts

    Hey guys :) My wife and I are looking to relocate to Illinois once I graduate. I know my chances at Chicago FD are slim to nil, which is not a huge heartbreaker for me, but I wouldn't turn down a job there. However, I think we were looking for something more... suburban. She'll either be...
  4. Lizadizzle

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    NREMT-B... I believe it booted me out at 70 or close to it. I passed! :D :beerchug:
  5. Lizadizzle

    EMT course and work

    I agree. I can't necessarily complain because I want to continue. However, it's becoming more commonplace (here at least) for our FDs to look for EMT-B trained fire candidates. A while back they were talking about replacing EMSA and going to a fire-based EMS type of thing. I'm not sure whatever...
  6. Lizadizzle

    EMT course and work

    At OCCC, you pretty much get herded from the EMT-B program (one semester, 8 weeks) into the EMT-P program. They look at you crazy if you "just want your basic" lol. I went into it knowing I was continuing, but a couple of my friends from there are only doing it for their fire training. Now...
  7. Lizadizzle

    EMT course and work

    I work about 45 hours a week dispatching, so I feel your pain a bit on that one and this is also what I'm looking to get into. I've just finished my EMT-B, I start my EMT-P in a week. Then I'm bridging to RN, because it's only 9 more classes. By the time I finish the RN, I'll have at least 3...
  8. Lizadizzle

    I keep seeing the more questions you get the worse you did.......

    Thanks guys! I was scheduled for 1745, but showed up about 20 minutes early. I was home by 1900. :/ I don't know if I rushed it - it didn't feel like I did. Anyhow, I'll have my fingers crossed for results sometime Weds night or Thursday morning :beerchug:
  9. Lizadizzle

    I keep seeing the more questions you get the worse you did.......

    Sorry I'm such a n00b, but when I go to the NREMT site to check, do I just check the "My Certification" page? :/
  10. Lizadizzle

    I keep seeing the more questions you get the worse you did.......

    Aughhh lol mine kicked me out at 70 questions and it did seem to get more difficult as I progressed. <_< Damn. I guess I'll just sit down and wait my two days to find out *sigh*
  11. Lizadizzle

    OKC tornadoes

    I heard Moore is no longer requesting additional resources for tonight. Any idea where one could head to volunteer on my days off?
  12. Lizadizzle

    Thoughts on droppin lbs?

    I'm just starting my new 'lifestyle' if you will. Dispatching is terrible for anyone's body - just sitting... doing nothing, for 8 hours is horrifying. I've decided to start getting to work a little earlier and dragging up some of the lighter free weights from the gym downstairs. I also...
  13. Lizadizzle

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Hey :) I'm Liz, fresh to EMS but not so much to being a public servant. I've been police/fire dispatching for 7 years. Both cities I've worked for transferred direct to EMSA for any medical calls so I've not done any EMS dispatching. I just got married in December to my lovely wife on the...
  14. Lizadizzle

    Chicago Fire Narcan??!

    I watch that show, but it gives me hives and I'm not even in the field yet. It's fun to yell at it though ^_^