Recent content by EMTIFT

  1. E

    GCTI Ambulance Raided

    This place should have been shut down a long time ago. Worked there 2 years ago for 2 weeks and quit because of all the shady things I saw. Supervisor telling me to always write Pt place on gurney every single run sheet even though 95% of the Pts we took could walk and some could probably...
  2. E

    Free Job Posting Sites is very easy to use and free. The company that I was hired at said that they received about 20 apps a day in the first few days using craigslist.
  3. E

    Standby work

    Check out craigslist. Didn't get the company name, but they said they only do standby events in los angeles. The post on craigslist is a few weeks old though
  4. E

    thoughts on running barefoot?

    IF you can, do it first on sand or some type of rubber track. With a few weeks then go to concrete. Did concrete my first time and couldn't walk for a few days
  5. E

    How to eat right on duty?

    Fruits, especially bannanas. Around 20 cents each. Cheap, Healthy, Fills you up, and easy to package and manage
  6. E

    How old are you?

    21, be respectful to everyone even patients yelling at you for stupid things