Recent content by cspinebrah

  1. C

    Santa Monica Ambulance Provider

    IF Gerber or AmeriCare gain anymore area I will lose all hope of what ever is left in LA Co. EMS
  2. C

    AMR Monterey Co. HIRING!

    dont know how it is there but LA County's it 1-written test wait till they call you back, if they do lol 2- 1 on 1 oral medical test with an RN 2- trauma assessment with a dummy. 3- interview with ops and admin sup. then they call you and offer you a job or not. I you get one you need...
  3. C

    2014 = ems hell

    It seems like as soon as the new year started the call volume has been outrageously high. Non stop in my area. I don't know what it is. My company has been breaking our highest call volume record constantly this past month. My question is, is it just us orrrrrrrrrrrr is all of EMS blowing...
  4. C

    I can't stand being a paramedic.

    Welcome to the world of ems! <_<
  5. C

    Interviews for PRN and Mercy Ambulance in Socal?

    PRN is probably one of the best only IFT companies in LA County right now. I wouldn't do Mercy unless you want to be ran by Dialysis calls. Basic questions for all interviews. What have you done to prepare. What will you add to this company. Give me some of your strengths and weaknesses. Why...
  6. C

    Why does EMT level of care exist?

    Jezzz, and I thought the scope for LA County EMT's was bad LOL.
  7. C

    Working Christmas Day

    Anyone working on Christmas day? Going to be my first time don't really know what to except as in call volume.
  8. C

    Care Ambulance didn't get hired

    Helll yeah, AMR will keep its current LACo 911 area and even pick up more in the next bid!
  9. C

    Compton fire, ambulance company

    California law states that you need a single steady burning red light on the from of your rig to drive code 3, but i do see some 911 companies that don't even have that but I wont get into that. And as far as Compton Fire I think they are going to be switching to a squad and private ambu...
  10. C

    Best Pants and Boots?

    amr homie :)
  11. C

    Best Pants and Boots?

    Yah broo the ocho / GSA
  12. C

    Compton fire, ambulance company

    On point, i used to work for a small IFT companies and many times these SNFs will call us to transport pt to an ER and when we get load them up their condition goes to sh*t and we are forced to call fire due to our protocol and fire just hopes on board with us or en route we up grade to code...
  13. C

    EMT CA Ambulance Drivers License

    Use the website he just gave you. Those flash cards are VERY similar to the questions on the test. You should be fine with that. Also you will need to retake the first part of you regular drivers test before the ambu test at the DMV.
  14. C

    911 bids in 2015 (LA COUNTY)

    So the 911 bids are around the corner and ive been hearing many rumors about some companies losing/gaining 911 area. some things ive heard are, AmeriCare will lose all 911 maybe to CARE or McCormick, Cole Schaefer will lose the Foothills to AMR and some of they're Pomona Area to CARE...
  15. C

    Halloween 2013

    Working out of our busiest station. We average about 15-17 calls on a regular 24. Lets see how the night finishes. Already on 13 <_<