Recent content by captainbeatty

  1. C

    I held a guys brain in my hand!

    My first exposure was at a motorcycle vs tree accident. Our assistant chief at the time(not an EMT) was on the scene and said it looked bad.we went down the embankment where the two victims were.( This was in the mid '80s before all the bsi equipment was standard issue). The first victim's head...
  2. C

    Things left behind.....

    I lost the keys to the squad at a hospital about 30 miles away from our station. Our mechanic had to run another set of keys to us. I also heard this exchange on the scanner one night: Dispatcher: Base to car 10 Officer: Go ahead D: Do you know where your hat is? O: (After a long pause)...
  3. C

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    I heard this one. It's funny, in a weird way. " Attention, Medic 36, respond to Greenlawn Cemetary, on a reported dead person".Gee, a dead person in a cemetary.
  4. C

    The worst smell you have ever experienced

    I worst I can recall is a man in a nursing home who had severe leg infections. His room smelled like a used diaper x10. The great thing is, after 6 weeks at wound care, he was able to get out of bed, and was told he could start therepy to walk soon. I left the service that was transporting him...
  5. C

    EMS Rules ( The ones you don't learn in school)

    Veterans know there are many things you don't learn in EMT school. Here's a few. Please add some more. 1. The more a patient weighs, the higher they live in an apartment building . 1-a) The more a patient weighs, the more likely it will be that the elevator is out. 2) If a dispatcher gives...
  6. C

    You Do Not Need An Ambulance...

    We've had a couple I'd like to share. I wasn't on this one, but I heard the dispach go out. " Attention xxx suqad, respond to 1234 xxxxx Road, lady slammed her thumb in a car door,: and now it hurts.:excl:" In the last month, I've been on two calls for paople with abdominal pain who went...
  7. C

    What would you say....?

    "Are you guys up to date on your trauma and gun shots??" " No,but we are up to date on our hepatitis and flu shots."
  8. C

    Your moniker-what's it mean?, why did you pick it?

    Mine comes from the book "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury. Captain Beatty was the antagonist (anti-hero) of the story, and I kind of liked his attitude. And by coincidence, the initials match the initials of my first and last name. As Fire Captain Beatty would say, " If you can't face your...
  9. C

    Finding Employment as EMT-B

    As far as pay, I didn't try to negotiate about it.They both made what I consider to be a fair offer for the area I live in (we are in an employment slump around here, and many major employers are cutting back on their staff), so I accepted their first offer. I went to my company orientation...
  10. C

    Finding Employment as EMT-B

    I was an EMT from 1978 to 1991. I just (two weeks ago) got recertified. I went to two private services that were not advertising for help last Monday and applied. I was interviewed on the spot by both of them,and was hired on the spot by one of them ( the other one called me two days later and...