Recent content by BuddingEMT

  1. BuddingEMT

    Suggestions for Paramedic Programs in Central Texas

    I almost forgot, DON'T DO THE ONLINE CERTIFICATION WEBSITES. Not only will you have more trouble getting a job, but you won't feel nearly as comfortable with your skills and you won't meet professors and paramedics who can help you advance your career in the future. Never underestimate the power...
  2. BuddingEMT

    Suggestions for Paramedic Programs in Central Texas

    Growing up in San Antonio and currently living in Austin, I have researched extensively the options here, and honestly the two best choices are either UT Health Science Center in San Antonio (program takes a year) or Austin Community College (takes two and a half years because they make you get...
  3. BuddingEMT

    Should I let my certification lapse?

    I got certified in 2009 as an EMT-Basic in Texas. I am currently getting my bachelor's degree, but once I graduate, I want to go on to paramedic school and become a full time paramedic. Because of school, I haven't worked as an EMT, but I have been volunteering as a standby for sports and other...
  4. BuddingEMT

    Worst Call you've ever gotten ?

    We got called to a residence where a man had put a shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. There wasn't much left of his head. The person who found him like that? His 9 year old son. I feel so bad for that kid. I have a feeling he'll remember that moment for the rest of his life.
  5. BuddingEMT

    IV Practice

    When my old instructor taught me to start an IV, he failed to mention any of this. I didn't realize all of the complications that could arise. Thank you for the information. I'll just have to wait until I have a background to go with the skill.
  6. BuddingEMT

    IV Practice

    Now that I think about it, there was somebody in my basic class doing that... Always bragging she could start IVs and intubate. If I'm ever dying in this area, I sure hope she's not the one who shows up in an ambulance. Who knows, she might crack my chest right then and there.
  7. BuddingEMT

    NBC this fall

    I freaking love that show. It's not always completely accurate but it is probably the closest thing out there.
  8. BuddingEMT

    I held a guys brain in my hand!

    Sounds messy. I haven't seen something this bad yet, but then again, I haven't been in EMS very long.
  9. BuddingEMT

    IV Practice

    So I'm an EMT-B but I plan on going to paramedic school in the near future. My instructor from my Basic class showed me how to do an IV and I want to practice the skill. How did you guys practice? On friends or on yourself? Or did you just wait to do it on actual patients?
  10. BuddingEMT

    Sociology/Pre-PA Sorry for the late response. I just now saw your message. I was wondering what...

    Sociology/Pre-PA Sorry for the late response. I just now saw your message. I was wondering what that little notification was...
  11. BuddingEMT

    Eye Protection

    Smart or paranoid? I have a fear of getting bodily fluids in my eyes. I wear safety glasses on every call. The guys I work with give me a hard time about it, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. How often do you wear your safety glasses?
  12. BuddingEMT

    From a different point of view.

    Has anybody been in a car accident or some other trauma-related injury (or even been a medical patient, for that matter) and had EMT-Bs show up to the scene that seemed inexperienced? I would hate to be dying and have someone who took a two week EMT crash course be working on me. With so...
  13. BuddingEMT

    Your patients asks you "Am I going to die?"

    Great minds think alike ^_^
  14. BuddingEMT

    Who's the Better Medic: Frank Burns or Hawkeye Pierce?

    If the system was composed of all Hawkeyes, then nothing would ever get done. Every new rule would be challenged and change would be difficult to execute.
  15. BuddingEMT

    For the Women Paramedics...unless guys wear sports bra's

    I wish I could fully participate in the discussion of bouncing boobs, but I'm kind of lacking in that area. I like wearing normal bras with padding to make my boobies look bigger :)