Recent content by Angel

  1. Angel

    White ADL required

    OK so 5 phone calls later, a trip to the DMV, me pretty much cussing out the supervisor and finally calling the HR manager (because the person on the special certifications line apparently has NO clue what she's talking about), I am able to continue with my link copy so long as I don't let that...
  2. Angel

    White ADL required

    That's what I'm dreading. Wish I could get another one and they just give me the white copy since the one I got last week is already processing and their the SAME! I am going to reiterate this to the hiring guy as well, hopefully they'll understand
  3. Angel

    White ADL required

    I am wrong actually. My ADL is good until 2019, the pink says 120 days from the day I got it, which is the 18th.
  4. Angel

    White ADL required

    It's not. My temp one is good until 2019
  5. Angel

    White ADL required

    Right? I don't see why it matters as long as I get the white eventually. it's the SAME thing. Yea! It's been too long. Some names have changed so I gotta get used to people again. They are supposed to (mail it). I just hope it comes in a reasonable amount of time. It seems I was given until...
  6. Angel

    White ADL required

    My potential employer has a copy a of my pink ADL, I never received the white one and eventually had to go back and get another copy which I know may or may not ever come in the mail. They are requiring I have the white copy prior to beginning to work, essentially could I not just copy the pink...
  7. Angel

    the 100% directionless thread

    Pfft hahaha I wish!
  8. Angel

    Paramedic Jobs, Anywhere in CA?

    Do you know what the pay is? Other posts say at or around 12.50 I'm just curious if this is still true. I am going to call during business hours and will post if I find out
  9. Angel

    the 100% directionless thread

    I wish we had a gym! Found a boy....or he found me, so I've had zero time for most anything else lately. It's been interesting
  10. Angel

    woman down

    our protocol calls for 2mg off the bat for OD's. pt ended up with 4mg IN total, and that finally woke her up enough (I may have said all this before)
  11. Angel

    the 100% directionless thread

    It was the weirdest respiratory call Ive ran...and I still dont know her diagnosis since that was our last call of the night but Id like to find out.
  12. Angel

    the 100% directionless thread

    Gave nebulized epi for the first and probably last time in my career.
  13. Angel

    Getting hired after EMT training in Sacramento

    As long as they are accredited I wouldn't worry about the reputation bit. TBH, it doesn't really matter where you went to school because all EMT patches are equal. Seriously, at some of these companies all they want is a patch and a pulse and you got the job, not necessarily because they are...
  14. Angel

    Flight Paramedic, Ask Me Anything

    Well I work because I have bills and need the check so I guess you can say I do it for the money. Considering you do exactly the same as the nurse but get paid less does seem a but unfair but that is what I suspected. I asked because I am considering just doing nursing but I still want to fly...