White ADL required


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My potential employer has a copy a of my pink ADL, I never received the white one and eventually had to go back and get another copy which I know may or may not ever come in the mail.
They are requiring I have the white copy prior to beginning to work, essentially could I not just copy the pink one onto white paper?
Everything is updated on my H6, but for some reason the white is really important to them and I need this job.

What are the differences if any, between white and pink?
I could have sworn the pink was a temporary copy, I could be wrong though. It's been 4 years since my last ADL recert, but I don't recall it taking incredibly long before they sent me my white copy.

How long ago did you take your ADL exam? Months? Weeks? Years. When you say never do you mean quite literally never received a white copy?

I've recertified a handful of times and have always ended up with the white copy. Did your potential employer tell you specifically why they want the white vs. pink copy?
Pink is the interim ADL (essentially just a carbon copy of the white), and the white is the same piece of paper that produced the pink. OP, your employer is... weird.
Back from the dead again Angel? Like VentMonkey and Qulevirus said the pink is just a carbon copy of the white. It's more of a temporary license until you get the white copy. I can't remember if the DMV mails it to you, it too has been awhile since my renew.
They mail it in 3-4 weeks from the day they issue the pink copy.
They mail it in 3-4 weeks from the day they issue the pink copy.
Or they lose it. Last one I had to get, I was using the pink copy for months. Talked to Sacramento and they showed me in the system but had no idea where the white copy was, as I should have received it. They said to just keep using the pink copy and call in a month if I hadn't gotten the white copy yet. Never did receive the white one.
Pink is the interim ADL (essentially just a carbon copy of the white), and the white is the same piece of paper that produced the pink. OP, your employer is... weird.

Right? I don't see why it matters as long as I get the white eventually. it's the SAME thing.

Back from the dead again Angel? Like VentMonkey and Qulevirus said the pink is just a carbon copy of the white. It's more of a temporary license until you get the white copy. I can't remember if the DMV mails it to you, it too has been awhile since my renew.

Yea! It's been too long. Some names have changed so I gotta get used to people again. They are supposed to (mail it). I just hope it comes in a reasonable amount of time. It seems I was given until the 3rd...

They mail it in 3-4 weeks from the day they issue the pink copy.

That would work perfectly! I don't recall getting a white copy when I did the recert 3 years ago and lost my yellow one so I had to redo everything this past week.
This whole process is turning into a nightmare tbh

Thanks guys. I feel a little bit better. I just wish the hiring guy would understand it's essentially all the same. He is a nurse so it could be why, but he wants to see the white before I am employed.
My first white copy got lost in the mail. I had to go to the DMV I passed the test at, and they requested another copy from Sacramento. I received that one within a couple of months. It was obviously a hassle.

If your temporary one is expired it makes sense why they wouldn't want it.
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I've never heard of a temporary lasting that long. I'm not doubting that you're correct; I'm just surprised. Both times I've had a temporary they stated they were only good for 90 days at the bottom.
I am wrong actually. My ADL is good until 2019, the pink says 120 days from the day I got it, which is the 18th.
Can always call the DMV. Knowing the state, it will take awhile to get it.
That's what I'm dreading. Wish I could get another one and they just give me the white copy since the one I got last week is already processing and their the SAME!
I am going to reiterate this to the hiring guy as well, hopefully they'll understand
Since your HR guy is so hell bent on colour, just scan your pink -> open in PS -> mask out the text -> fill pink with white -> print = profit.
Since your HR guy is so hell bent on colour, just scan your pink -> open in PS -> mask out the text -> fill pink with white -> print = profit.
Since your HR guy is so hell bent on colour, just scan your pink -> open in PS -> mask out the text -> fill pink with white -> print = profit.

I cannot confirm nor deny that I have done this. I have been waiting for someone to suggest this haha.
OK so 5 phone calls later, a trip to the DMV, me pretty much cussing out the supervisor and finally calling the HR manager (because the person on the special certifications line apparently has NO clue what she's talking about), I am able to continue with my link copy so long as I don't let that lapse and I submit my white copy as soon as I get it.

So much wrong information was given to me today (apparently we get 4x6 certificates, not the white paper :eyeroll:) it's no wonder people never get their stuff.