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  • I have a question for you!
    im going to school to become an EMT but I’m scared I won’t make it bc I do have a bad arm don’t get me wrong I can do what everyone else does but it takes me longer to achieve it my step mom thinks I won’t be able to pick up the gurney
    Only one way to find out... I don't know what your abilities are or if your doctor says you can life the gurney, but that's a you decision. I will also say, if you can't handle the physical aspects of the job, then this might not be the field for you. But I would definitely make that your first question to ask the program director before you pay for the course.
    I'm an up-and-coming student who's about to complete their EMT-B cert in NC here shortly. I've noticed you've commented on Wake County's EMS System and wanted to know if you had any advice or insight for theirs and/or Johnston County's EMS Agency. Point being, following my State certification, I'm looking to pursue a career in the industry so I'm seeking any and all advice you're willing to offer.
    Hello! I was recently reading some of your postings in the Durham EMS thread and I was curious if you could help me gain some more insight into that system as well as others in the area. I have a current application in with Wake Co. I did a ride-along with Wake in the past and have family in the area. My issue is who to apply to work for other than Wake. Thank you in advance for reading this
    If you are a paramedic, Wake EMS is an awesome system. If you are a newbie EMT or paramedic, Wake EMS is an awesome system. Apply to Wake, Durham, Orange, and Johnston County. See what they say, the systems are more alike than they care to admit, and most of their protocols are based on the state protocols. And if you get on with one and find it's not for you, you can always transfer to another county system.

    I am working as an Assistant EMS Instructor in the Middle East. Need your help to figure out a feasible EMS research topic related to EMS Education / Ambulance services / Scope of practice / Pre-hospital care or EMS Internship.

    Thanks and Regards
    Hi there, I seem to not be able to send messages directly so I thought I would post to your profile. Regarding wake county, what is the area and system like? Being from Southern California I really don't know anything about North Carolina. As far as wake county goes all I know is what I've read in JEMS and listened to on podcast so my assumption now is that it's basically the EMS version of Narnia...
    It's not narnia, however it's a lot better than many other places. It has its issues, just like every agency, but it would be a hell of a lot worse.
    Thanks for your reply about Stateside tactical medics. DO they get mor money, different daily duties, or just tagged for response? (See threads).
    Thanks for your thoughtful reply.
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