the 100% directionless thread


Forum Deputy Chief
Ive been going back and forth since about November 4th on whether to do a shoulder mount on my buck from this year.

Its the first Mature buck ive killed on that piece of public property in 6 years of hunting it. Kind of special to me as its a memory of the year I finally figured that property out.

So I finally settled that I was going to do a shoulder mount, knowing I would pay extra since I needed a cape.

Then the wife drops the bombshell. No mounts outside of the garage or the gun room. Well it seems silly to spend $600 for it to collect saw dust in the garage, and the gun room has a pitched ceiling with limited wall space.

Maybe she wont notice.


Forum Deputy Chief
Ive been going back and forth since about November 4th on whether to do a shoulder mount on my buck from this year.

Its the first Mature buck ive killed on that piece of public property in 6 years of hunting it. Kind of special to me as its a memory of the year I finally figured that property out.

So I finally settled that I was going to do a shoulder mount, knowing I would pay extra since I needed a cape.

Then the wife drops the bombshell. No mounts outside of the garage or the gun room. Well it seems silly to spend $600 for it to collect saw dust in the garage, and the gun room has a pitched ceiling with limited wall space.

Maybe she wont notice.
Those are fighting words. Got my duck right up in the kitchen area. I'll give my girl some candles or whatever she wants in there, but that duck stays.


Emergency Medical Texan
Those are fighting words. Got my duck right up in the kitchen area. I'll give my girl some candles or whatever she wants in there, but that duck stays.

If my future husband can't cherish our hunting accomplishments by spending hundreds of dollars so their empty plastic eyes can stare at us for eternity as we play Jenga in the livingroom while eating macaroni for dinner, then I'm honestly not sure it's meant to be.


Californian, Lost in Texas
I’m just glad to be where I am.
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The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
19 degrees yesterday morning and I’m riding my atv to where I hunt to sit on a ridge and look for deer while it’s in the 20’s with a 15 mph wind with gusts in the 30’s-40’s. I must be crazy...


Emergency Medical Texan
19 degrees yesterday morning and I’m riding my atv to where I hunt to sit on a ridge and look for deer while it’s in the 20’s with a 15 mph wind with gusts in the 30’s-40’s. I must be crazy...

I'd do the same if I could. Just make sure you've got hot hands, tags, snacks :)


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
I'd do the same if I could. Just make sure you've got hot hands, tags, snacks :)

Have all that except hot hands. It’s a little rough bow hunting in that weather.


Emergency Medical Texan
MRI Thursday. Crossed fingers for my connective tissue being intact and A-okay.

I moved from a small town so I could get some experience. The big city is... big

15mi , used to be a 10 minute drive.

Now it's like 25 if there's no delay.

I can't pop off rounds out my back door or drop a deer and drag it back up the hill. I miss some things.


Forum Deputy Chief
You'll get good experience in the city. I've been a city medic for 3 years and you learn quick just from the sheer volume. My annual call volume (just for me) is something like 25% of the entire county I grew up in. I've had days I go to the trauma bay 3-4 times in a row with different things. That kind of frequency definitely helps.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
With these wind gusts it’ll take a Robin of Loxley to hit anything...

I hate hunting in the wind. I've shot a couple deer in the wind, not easy to say the least.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
For the first time in all my 25 years of life I have wrapped gifts all on the first try with no redo's AND I did it without a single drop of alcohol... I am all that is man.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
I really need to unfollow the Rescuing Providence guy on Facebook. I can feel my blood pressure increase every time I read his posts.

Maybe I'll just kill Facebook in general. 🧐


Forum Asst. Chief
Man, this old dude at the gym actually squared up on me like he was gonna punch me, because I called him out on hogging a machine!

Like the gym has a 30 min express section, 10 or so machines with a stop light, workout on the green light, switch machines on the red. It's for people on their lunch break and/or newbs who dont know what they're doing to just hop in and get a halfway decent full body cycle. I like to use it in the mornings coming off work so I can then justify being lazy at home afterwards (saving lifting free weights for at the station when I'm not crowded by 50 other people lol).

Anyways, while I'm on the second to last machine, this guy hops in on the last one, works out, still works out during the red so I go to another, it happens every so often, but then the next red comes, doesn't get off. I'm waiting next to him and at the third light he's not stopping I tap him on the shoulder saying "Hey, you're supposed to rotate every red light"
-"I know"

"Ok you've been on here three lights now, you need to rotate"

"Just have some patience, go use another machine"

I already did that, thisbis the express section, you cant sit here all day

"Why don't you get the f*** out of my face"

So I go grab a staff member, they tell him the same thing, he starts arguing with them, I say why doesn't he just go use the exact same machine in another section thatvisnt times and he can spend all day there if he likes, he get up, squares up to me, "Why dont I get out of his face otherwise he'll do something about it?"
Like really dude, you wanna punch me cuz I'm calling you out on being an a hole?
That's what I get for giving an eff about rules and stuff I guess 🙄

Sucks because you could either be the guy who beat up an old man, or the guy who got his *** kicked by an old man lol. No win situation, although I find it extremely difficult to walk away from situations like that I force myself to, but if someone lays hands on me then all bets are off.