The Good, The Bad, and The Badges


Forum Lieutenant
So as I begin to look at local job openings I notice some companies advertise "custom badge " as if that would be a deal breaker. What is your stance on the matter if any? I myself can't help but feel this is aimed towards those Ricky Rescues or Brah who are more concerned with appearance then employee benefits. No matter what its just a piece of metal that holds no authority (aimed more towards privates. To be even more specific privates in LA Co.) Full disclosure: I do indeed still have my old badge with my own badge number just for a keepsake. When i was actually employed at the time i opted out from putting it on most shifts. Working grave yard I noticed sometimes that badge was all it took to put a bad taste in a pt's mouth. Especially 5150, ETOH, etc. Hope this gets some thing going topic wise.
If I was issued a badge, I'd keep it like uou have... But that said, if the only difference for me in two companies was that one issued a badge, it'd be enough to choose the other option
So when reading an ad and one of the "perks" is a shiny badge would that automatically send a red flag. On a side note good to see the pay is creeping up to 13-14 per hour but I shutter thinking of the call pool the IFT privates are draining to make up
Badges? We don't need no steenkin badges!
I like my badge, it's a nice keepsake. So are my wings from when I was a flight attendant. At the end of the day though, they're just decoration, and the same "sentimentality" can be found in a t-shirt, ID, or photograph. That would not be a selling point for me, and I can see it being used to appeal to the people who are more interested in the "image" aspect of the job than actually what is involved in DOING the job.

My wine bottle opener from my FA days is actually something that is just as "important" to me as my wings. They were issued to us as new hires, and it was something I literally used every single day. They're embossed with the company logo and are collector's items now (post 9/11 many were confiscated because they have 'knives' lol a tiny little 1' blade for cutting bottle neck labels). I still use it to this day...
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How about if THIS was the badge? hmm?
If my company offered this the only words coming out of my mouth would be, "where do I sign".
I agree with AtlasFlyer. Nice memory but nothing more then apparel.
In general I thing badges could be a nuisance and even hurt. Seen pt's get caught up while being transferred.
I think there was a forum going for the same topic, but in regards to using the badge for access into areas and they couldn't get in without it (even with their actual ID). I personally, after reading everything would carry it in my wallet if I had it but yeah, no way am I giving a Pt assess to sharp objects...
Our regional health council issues state badges for all graduating EMTs. Silver for EMT, Gold for Paramedic. Some agencies require wearing them, most don't.

EMS Council Badge.jpg
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State-issued badges?! Wow...

Indiana has a state patch available. I was given one as a gift after passing my tests, it's in a keepsake drawer now. It has literally never been sewn on anything. I think I've seen *one* place where employees wear their state patch on their uniform. We have badges at our agency to wear with our Class As and Bs. I have worn it exactly once in 2 1/2 years. That was at the graduation ceremony when it was pinned on me. Our Class Cs have a department emblem either embroidered on the front or that emblem on a patch on the sleeves. No sharp thingies anywhere on our street uniforms!
State-issued badges?! Wow...

Indiana has a state patch available. I was given one as a gift after passing my tests, it's in a keepsake drawer now. It has literally never been sewn on anything. I think I've seen *one* place where employees wear their state patch on their uniform.

Most places in Washington wear the ugly state patch on the uniform. (Top pic)

ALS in Yakima hated the way it looked, so they created their own "state" patch. (Bottom)

Theirs is 100x better than the official one at least!
I like our badges but I they certainly aren't any sort of draw. They look different than most and I plan to keep the EMT one when I upgrade.