Bad Blood between the emt and the p all input is appreciated


Forum Lieutenant
Faking vitals is creating a fraudulent legal document / medical record and would likely result in serious repercussions if reported to overseeing authorities of any stripe. Not to mention potentially endangering the patient. This should be reported immediately if you have knowledge of it happening. I caught one of our newer hires doing this as it turned out his patient was very hypotensive, enough so to warrant a trip to the ED for evaluation. He charted 120/80 yet the patient had a systolic in the mid 60's. Chart review turned up an impossible pattern of 120/80's and he was terminated.

That said, you need to learn how to influence your peers without coming off as condescending or uptight. If you truly can't get along with someone you need to request not to be partnered with them. If the problem looks endemic that's either a sign that you are the problem or that it's time to abandon ship.

Can't understand why someone would do this, it is so damn easy to get some quick vitals. Hell I have access to a lifepak but still do vitals manually very often not only to continue practicing the skill but also because I do not always trust the lifepaks vitals.

As for the OP, I always consider what my paramedic says to me and take into account all my previous encounters with similar situations. I never pass up an opportunity to learn more in my field even if it is out of my scope at the moment. No Tigger, I don't care if you find anything wrong with my grammar since I speak and write American, not english. So i guess we need to write an Americanized english book since Tigger is a english grammar nazi. :)


Forum Captain
That said, you need to learn how to influence your peers without coming off as condescending or uptight. If you truly can't get along with someone you need to request not to be partnered with them. If the problem looks endemic that's either a sign that you are the problem or that it's time to abandon ship.

That is what I am asking... I was hoping for some suggestions. Especially from EMT's as I'm sure you've run across a difficult partnership and there were things you wish you could ask your partners to do in order to make for a better partnership.

How do you influence your peers while remaining personable? If this isn't a skill you've acquired by the time you are an adult, you need to observe people with this skill and learn. There is no other way to do it if it doesn't come naturally to you. But it sounds like this is a top down problem with your coworkers not taking the job seriously... move on.

Ewok Jerky

Here's how I see it. You like things done your way. You have a set of principles which guide your behavior. And you are anal about the way things get done. Add to this a sarcastic introverted manner. Plus you are in a system where EMTs apparently have no authority anyways.

It quickly becomes easier to let you do everything yourself than to try and help for fear of being told I did it wrong, or how your way of doing it is better, have you do it all over again yourself, and then make a sarcastic comment belittling me.

If the EMTs are that ****ty, then you need to own up to being a hardass or find another job. If perhaps its your attitude causing a problem you need to lighten up and let them do their job the way they do it and let it go. Life us too short to worry so much about what other people are up to.


You're stuck w/ me now (insert evil laughter here)
I am sorry for the rambling, I did get a little carried away.
I don't have trust in my B's because they continually show their incompetence. Most of which can be pointed out as their laziness or them taking on the mind set that this is just IFT stuff so it isn't important.

My double checking as you say is what causes the animosity. I have never told any of my B's that I don't trust them, nor have I yelled at or called them out. I simply want to know what's going on so that hopefully nothing is missed. (When they ask to see my pt chart or step in to ask my pt questions I have no problem with it, after all that is technically our pt and there is information that they need to know, and truly we are working together so it shouldn't matter.) When I ask their pt a question, or confirm something with the nurse concerning their pt they feel as if I am undermining them. That is what I don't know how to get around. How to check in order to be confident that nothing is being missed without them feeling like I'm being condescending.

As far as them working under my license. Where I work basics cant operate without a paramedic present, their protocols simply list what certain things they can do on the P's call ie; 12lead EKG (they can perform the skill, where the P interprets), administer 4 baby aspirin, (after being instructed to do so my the P with the paramedic at bedside double checking), Set up and administer an albuterol treatment (again after being instructed and observed by P)

A basic cannot be an attendant for anything acute. They operate under borrowed servant. I don't understand it much myself, but under these rules they can actually perform more skills than I could as an EMT it just all has to be on scene.

Wow, now I'm really baffled by where you live and curious because we don't need a Ps permission to perform our SOP, but again, it is not a boss/employee relationship... maybe?


I know a guy who knows a guy.
Worth a read:

Here's the salient points

Borrowed Servant Doctrine
EMS practice dictates that the Paramedic with the highest level of education or experience is responsible for patient care. Therefore, the Paramedic is responsible for directing and supervising any patient care performed by any other EMS providers on the team with lower levels of training.

In those circumstances, called the borrowed servant doctrine, the Paramedic is not only accepting assistance from those EMS providers but is also accepting responsibility for the actions and the errors of those providers. Therefore, the Paramedic’s failure to supervise a subordinate, who in turn makes an error and causes harm to befall the patient, leaves the Paramedic liable for the assistant’s actions.


Forum Deputy Chief
Oh come on most of those self help books are written by limp wristed panzeys. I use self help books to fire the furnaces that turn out my home made silver bullets to take on the army's of darkness.
Well some of us may need a little extra help since we weren't born with your natural gift for tact.


Californian, Lost in Texas
You should move. Pm me


Forum Lieutenant
Well some of us may need a little extra help since we weren't born with your natural gift for tact.

If you noticed on my early post regarding this subject I have a provided some simple solutions that I have employed with past partners. Granted my supervisors realize I hate the childish antics of this newest working generation and has always made sure to give me partners that are not self centered people who think the biggest issue is people not liking them on facebook. I think the OP is a egotistical self centered cry baby. I have no place for people like that bringing me down to their level. I once had a medic who acted like this and locked them out of the rig until dispatch called me telling me my medic was on the phone basically crying cause I locked him out of the rig. Supervisor thought it was funny but my point was to teach my medic a lesson.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Can't understand why someone would do this, it is so damn easy to get some quick vitals. Hell I have access to a lifepak but still do vitals manually very often not only to continue practicing the skill but also because I do not always trust the lifepaks vitals.

As for the OP, I always consider what my paramedic says to me and take into account all my previous encounters with similar situations. I never pass up an opportunity to learn more in my field even if it is out of my scope at the moment. No Tigger, I don't care if you find anything wrong with my grammar since I speak and write American, not english. So i guess we need to write an Americanized english book since Tigger is a english grammar nazi. :)
What in the world are you talking about. I don't particularly care how your write (and nowhere have I said otherwise), just know that the above comments seriously undermine what (little) credibility you have.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
If you noticed on my early post regarding this subject I have a provided some simple solutions that I have employed with past partners. Granted my supervisors realize I hate the childish antics of this newest working generation and has always made sure to give me partners that are not self centered people who think the biggest issue is people not liking them on facebook. I think the OP is a egotistical self centered cry baby. I have no place for people like that bringing me down to their level. I once had a medic who acted like this and locked them out of the rig until dispatch called me telling me my medic was on the phone basically crying cause I locked him out of the rig. Supervisor thought it was funny but my point was to teach my medic a lesson.
Who is the child here again?


Forum Lieutenant
Who is the child here again?

If you spent one hour with this medic you would lock them out too. I am not a hard asss by any means but when someone spends almost the whole shift complaing to me about social media and issues that have no effect on real life it was either that or I take my ear drums out with a pair of trama sheers.


Forum Lieutenant
What in the world are you talking about. I don't particularly care how your write (and nowhere have I said otherwise), just know that the above comments seriously undermine what (little) credibility you have.

Heil to you to. :)


Californian, Lost in Texas
If you noticed on my early post regarding this subject I have a provided some simple solutions that I have employed with past partners. Granted my supervisors realize I hate the childish antics of this newest working generation and has always made sure to give me partners that are not self centered people who think the biggest issue is people not liking them on facebook. I think the OP is a egotistical self centered cry baby. I have no place for people like that bringing me down to their level. I once had a medic who acted like this and locked them out of the rig until dispatch called me telling me my medic was on the phone basically crying cause I locked him out of the rig. Supervisor thought it was funny but my point was to teach my medic a lesson.

I would crush your little Basic soul.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
If you spent one hour with this medic you would lock them out too. I am not a hard asss by any means but when someone spends almost the whole shift complaing to me about social media and issues that have no effect on real life it was either that or I take my ear drums out with a pair of trama sheers.
I very much doubt I'd behave like a petulant child, but thanks.

OP as I'm sure you can imagine, don't handle your issues like the above. Also, if you're coworkers do that to you I'm not sure I'd be concerned, says more about them than you.


You're stuck w/ me now (insert evil laughter here)
One thing I love about this board is that there are so many strong personalities, points of view, and experience. That being said.... we shouldn't use our talents to attack one another. On a message board, in the garage, or in the field.

Everyone take a deep breath......




Californian, Lost in Texas
If my partner decided to lock the truck, they would simply be unemployed.