FDNY EMS Candidates

I just spoke with a fdny emt.
I didn't know that they make you carpool. -_- I need to take out the rear seats in my camaro. Weight reduction haha
Really?!?! They make you? I guess it saves a little on gas. Hopefully you get someone fun to carpool with and they live near you.
I just spoke with a fdny emt.
I didn't know that they make you carpool. -_- I need to take out the rear seats in my camaro. Weight reduction haha
They don't make you carpool to the academy. On the first day they asked if anyone takes public transportation, then whoever said they did they pretty much asked where you live then told you to find someone who lives near you to drive you. They don't make you though. As far as the stations go I could see the ones with limited parking trying to get people to carpool
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Anyone who took there physical agility may 10th get intake letters yet ? This wait is killing me
Anyone who took there physical agility may 10th get intake letters yet ? This wait is killing me

Hey Curryb15,

What is your list number? I am assuming you are on 4004? If you have a higher list number it may be just more waiting. If your list number is low, you might have to start questioning why you haven't heard yet. If you look back the past 10 or so pages, people have been talking about what steps they are up to and when they get letters. Compare your list number to some of theirs. I did hear they are slowing down the intake process a little for 4004 because there are still guys like me from 3024 that have not been called yet. We were expected to finish in the class that's in now and have 4004 started with a few guys in the current class as well. There are about 200 list numbers remaining on 3024 based off of DCAS when I called 2 days ago. This should fill about half of the October class. There are a lot more people than expected. But again, compare yourself to others that have posted, or post your list number so others can chime in if they are close to you on the list. Good luck and I hope you can find a more accurate answer by following my suggestions.

^^ what nasty said.

Also, find someone with a number similar to yours, or 2 people. Keep in contact with them, so if one of you gets something and the other one doesn't, that will raise flags.

Fdny is a weird animal, they are slowing down with 4004 even though they started off real fast, I did everything in like 2 or 3 months. Also the new exam 5004 I believe, got extended a month, so mixed signals hahaha.

October will be a mix of 3024, the leftovers, and the beginning of 4004.
October will see around list #100 from 4004 and january probably list # 400 or 500
Hey Curryb15,

What is your list number? I am assuming you are on 4004? If you have a higher list number it may be just more waiting. If your list number is low, you might have to start questioning why you haven't heard yet. If you look back the past 10 or so pages, people have been talking about what steps they are up to and when they get letters. Compare your list number to some of theirs. I did hear they are slowing down the intake process a little for 4004 because there are still guys like me from 3024 that have not been called yet. We were expected to finish in the class that's in now and have 4004 started with a few guys in the current class as well. There are about 200 list numbers remaining on 3024 based off of DCAS when I called 2 days ago. This should fill about half of the October class. There are a lot more people than expected. But again, compare yourself to others that have posted, or post your list number so others can chime in if they are close to you on the list. Good luck and I hope you can find a more accurate answer by following my suggestions.


Hey! Lol I am list # 62*. I know last I herd last months the lowest person on the list to revive intake letters was in the 500's. I'm just so ready to get this going and get hired ! Lol I have a perfect background and never have been fired from any job so I know there won't be issues on that part
Hey! Lol I am list # 62*. I know last I herd last months the lowest person on the list to revive intake letters was in the 500's. I'm just so ready to get this going and get hired ! Lol I have a perfect background and never have been fired from any job so I know there won't be issues on that part

Hey CurryB15.

As long as that is what you are seeing, expect to be in the next batch of people for intake. If I had to take a guess, they will probably start sending out letters after the October academy. Based on your list number, you have a decent shot of being in a class around April. The waiting sucks. Its been what feels like forever for me. As long as you keep yourself out of trouble and do everything you are told, when you are told, you should be fine. Enjoy the wait!
Any idea when calls will go out for October academy? So far when is October and january academy supposed to start
Hello All just joined this forum. I had a question that I can't seem to get answered I was hoping someone here would be able to. I am a volley in a suffolk county fd I recently got done taking a scene support class in yaphank and part of that class was a hazmat portion. I received my certificate stating that I completed scene support but Ididnt receieve anything stating that I completed hazmat I thought they were 2 different certs. Can I still put in that I took Hazmat for the additional 5 point on exam 5003?
Hello All just joined this forum. I had a question that I can't seem to get answered I was hoping someone here would be able to. I am a volley in a suffolk county fd I recently got done taking a scene support class in yaphank and part of that class was a hazmat portion. I received my certificate stating that I completed scene support but Ididnt receieve anything stating that I completed hazmat I thought they were 2 different certs. Can I still put in that I took Hazmat for the additional 5 point on exam 5003?

Hey Ron536,

I am not 100% sure, but from what it sounds like, it is not the same. Hazmat Ops, which I believe is the lowest level of Hazmat required would generate its own certificate. That is why I don't think you will get the extra points. It can't hurt to put down as much as you can. Again, I may be wrong and they may give you the 5 points. It cant hurt to try.

Greg N.
Hey Ron536,

I am not 100% sure, but from what it sounds like, it is not the same. Hazmat Ops, which I believe is the lowest level of Hazmat required would generate its own certificate. That is why I don't think you will get the extra points. It can't hurt to put down as much as you can. Again, I may be wrong and they may give you the 5 points. It cant hurt to try.

Greg N.

Thanks for the response I'm gonna go ahead and put it in hopefully I get the credit for it.

Are you firefighter as well or just ems? If you took the firefighter 1 at the academy the hazmat ops certificate from there counts, I'm not sure about the one you have but as whats already been said put it all in and hope for the best. Good luck.
Hello everyone, I would like to apply to FDNY for EMT, but I see there is an optional test for "civil service" What is civil service and will it increase my chance of joining the FDNY? I'm confused on why I should or not take it.

Are you firefighter as well or just ems? If you took the firefighter 1 at the academy the hazmat ops certificate from there counts, I'm not sure about the one you have but as whats already been said put it all in and hope for the best. Good luck.

So if you completed firefighter 1 you will get the 5 points? When i took ff1 i got a certificate for it but not a hazmat ops certificate even though we did a full hazmat class within ff1
Hello everyone, I would like to apply to FDNY for EMT, but I see there is an optional test for "civil service" What is civil service and will it increase my chance of joining the FDNY? I'm confused on why I should or not take it.

Hey Timothy,

To my knowledge, you have to get hired as a FDNY EMT before you can apply for the Civil Service section. That is to make you a permanent civil servant which would than allow you to apply for the FDNY promotional exam. There should be more information relating to this on the DCAS website.


That should be the link needed for the EMS filing exam that you would need. Double check that it is for the correct EMT course as well as the correct filing exam.

Good luck.
So if you completed firefighter 1 you will get the 5 points? When i took ff1 i got a certificate for it but not a hazmat ops certificate even though we did a full hazmat class within ff1

FF1 consists of the 5 or so hazmat classes to become hazmat ops certified. You should have received a certificate from the county stating that you have completed it. Check with your company officer and have them run it up the chain of command to try to ascertain a copy of it. You might have to get a copy from the county if your department never received it. You should still get the 5 points.
Hello everyone, I would like to apply to FDNY for EMT, but I see there is an optional test for "civil service" What is civil service and will it increase my chance of joining the FDNY? I'm confused on why I should or not take it.
The only way to become a fdny emt is to sign up and take the civil service test, so if you wanna become and fdny emt you need to take the civil exam which i think yoy can file for now on the dcas website